
The 95 Dangerous Days Left Til We're Rid of Joe Biden

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Shortly after the 81-year-old commander in chief embarrassed himself again in front of a watching world at that excruciating June debate, what was left of President Joe Biden vowed that nothing short of a visit from the Almighty would deter him from pursuing reelection this year.

He maintained that vow even as Americans gasped over the revealed reality of his mental condition once willfully blind media and lying Democrats could no longer hide his reality.

Turns out, it only took an as-yet unknown threat of serious consequences from ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who's even older than the demented Democrat from Delaware. Many Americans, who had watched Jill's husband decay in public before their startled eyes for nearly four years, felt a sense of relief.

Biden has refused to talk with Pelosi ever since. Not that anyone really cares.

What was not fully realized amid that relief was another aspect of that same dirty deal among aged Democrat leaders ignoring primary voters to replace their nominee. The sweetener to get Biden to buy in was leaving the incapable old man fully in office until the official end of his term next year. 

Good for Democrat Party comity. Not so good for everyone else.

Biden is still addled. He's still lying his wrinkled face off and making up cockamamie stories that roll eyes in the audience. He's still threatening Israel. Jill is still leading hubby around by the hand. And he still has access to the nuclear launch codes.

For our global adversaries, who are numerous now, that window of weakness is still open. Taking advantage must be tempting. No wonder when asked previously, Russia's Vladimir Putin said he preferred a Biden reelection because the Democrat was more "predictable" than Donald Trump.

Most of the nation's attention since summer has been focused on the presidential election campaign, now nearing its second anniversary. With early voting well underway, the outlook was reported to be close until quite recently. Media would like to keep it close for business reasons.

Ninety-five days of opportunity remain for Russia and China and Iran and North Korea and other possible troublemakers. Which means 95 more long days of anxiety for the U.S.

That is the subject of this week's audio commentary. After listening to the tape, please join the commentary in the Comments section below. It's been on fire recently.

One recent Sunday column examined the positive impact of strong national leaderships because they keep enemies off balance.

The latest well-read Sunday column was A Jilted Joe Biden (and Jill) Quietly Wreak Their Revenge on Kamala Harris. The evidence of that continues to accumulate. Watch for more.

Thanks to my sharp colleagues here and VIP subscribers like you, RedState has been a leading observer of the leadership crisis presented by Biden's rapidly decaying physical and mental condition. 

Now, the coverage is focused on the waning campaign days, when the attacks tend to get sharper. For inexplicable reasons, Kamala Harris has been huddling in Washington about half the time since the Chicago convention. But when she does go out on the road, she has trouble. She also experienced serious trouble during this week's interview with Bret Baier on FoxNews covered here and here and here.

Trump is showing the same kind of campaign energy as in the past. And his message seems to be well-received, as it was this week in heavily Democrat Chicago, of all places.

And the former president is being helped by an emerging cadre of younger, well-spoken surrogates. Prime among them is also JD Vance, whose brutal takedown of an ABC News host was as exquisitely simple as these confrontations get.


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