If you’ve been waiting to find out which new name Washington’s NFL team will choose, I have bad news: It’s potentially a wait without end.
In an email to The Wall Street Journal, franchise owner Dan Snyder revealed it’s “possible” the interim brand will become permanent.
Here’s how Dan put it:
“If the Washington Football Team name catches on and our fans embrace it, then we would be happy to have it as our permanent name. I think we have developed a very classy retro look and feel.”
Dan also said the old Indian reference “had increasingly become a distraction from our primary focus of football.”
You read that right: A professional sports organization believes the point should be…athletics, as opposed to issues.
Dan’s all about including everything (except the name Redskins):
“So, in the spirit of inclusivity, we made the decision to move forward. We want our future name and brand to stand for something that unifies people of all backgrounds and to continue to be a source of pride for the next 100 years or more.”
If that’s the finish line he’s driving toward, the owner’s on the wrong track.
Firstly, the name is embarrassingly bland.
Secondly, as for it “catching on,” if tolerance qualifies as such, then yes, it may catch on.
However, the team made a woke move to eradicate “Redskins” only to focus on a new racist horror — George Washington.
And we suffer for no shortage of confusion: Oddly — it appears — it was wrong to name the team after innocent victims. Yet it’s fine to call them the symbol — we’ve been recently told — of that which murdered the “indigenous.”
So tear down the statues, and erect the team mascots.
Then again, perhaps it all works together: If being chosen as a namesake is an insult, now they’re really sockin’ it to jerk George.
Of course, you and I aren’t the only ones to make such observations.
As noted by The Daily Wire:
When the NFL team rolled out the name-change earlier this summer, the Washington Football Team was the subject of much online ridicule among people who pointed out that the name itself could be cancel-worthy—in addition to there being ample potential for general mockery.
When the team first announced its temporary title, social media lit up at the problematic news:
Pretty sure since George Washington is also cancelled the team name is still racist.
They should just call themselves “Football Team.” https://t.co/G5khg2bDcK
— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) July 23, 2020
And isn’t Washington racist according to the cancel leftists? So why wasn’t this just “The Football Team”…? 🤣 https://t.co/9LP9EKq7lo
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) July 23, 2020
Offensive to the Brits. Gotta just be “home team” or “visiting team”. Or just “The Team”, which would actually be kinda cool.
— Caleb Lurksis (@lurksis) July 23, 2020
Pretty soon it’s going to be “Monday night watch as this football team battles that football team to win a trophy that they will all share so no ones feelings gets hurt” pic.twitter.com/xf0Rduy2HI
— livefreeordieldy (@livefreeordiel1) July 23, 2020
Football by it’s very nature is violent. It’s about territory aquisition by physical force and oppressing the opponent. Oh my! How can we stand for this! Time to protest! Off to the nearest Target! -Sorry I won’t have enough room to put in more sarcasm Feel free to contribute lol
— KC Cass (@kcmo_ken) July 23, 2020
How about Washington Looters? They seem to view all of their activity as positive. It’s the most realistic option.
— FatcatSteve (@FatCatSteve) September 14, 2020
Someone had a particularly crafty idea:
Let’s really get under their “skin” with the “Washington Redhats”. That would trigger a few…
— Incognito Bandito (@scottymacesq) July 23, 2020
Here’s a logo for ya:
I would buy a jersey with this on it. pic.twitter.com/QmaxHFzaQB
— Incognito Bandito (@scottymacesq) July 23, 2020
And there was this:
It should be WTF not WFT
— Ari Stottel (@WattDewIknow) July 23, 2020
Of course, the reality is you’ll never please everyone.
Here’s more from TDW:
[A]fter the Redskins announced their upcoming name change earlier this summer, the Navajo Nation suggested the NFL team take up the name “Code Talkers” to honor the “Navajo Code Talkers, and other tribal nations who used their sacred language to help win” the Second World.
The suggestion does not appear to have taken off. In fact, back in 2013, USA Today reported that the Washington Redskins were criticized by some people for honoring Navajo Codetalkers during a Native American Heritage month ceremony at the stadium.
So what do you think — what should the team be called?
I look forward to finding out.
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