If you’re not currently in California, you might wanna get a stamp and mail your lucky stars a Thank You card — the place has some serious problems.
Especially — it should be noted — where people doing things is concerned
Like going to church.
Apropos, a ton of weary worshipers took to the beach on Sunday for a bit of surf, sand, and stickin’ it to the man.
More than a thousand believers joined together at Cardiff State Beach to protest the state’s restriction on the assembling of themselves together.
Pastor Barry Sappington — organizer of the event — explained to San Diego’s NBC7:
“They miss worshipping. Worship is a core part of a Christ follower’s life, and as you can see, people don’t want to go anywhere. They want to gather, they want to worship, and this is a perfect venue for them to do so.”
Barry claimed a permit for the rally had been attained, but California State Parks Lifeguards begged to differ.
The CSPL guestimated the crowd numbered 1,250+.
Local resident Heather Molchanoff pointed out the disparity between praising God and condemning The Man:
“It’s such a double standard, right? You have protesters who can go out, do gatherings like this, and nothing is spoken about; if anything, it’s praised. But then we’re not allowed to gather in church on Sunday.”
Attending musician Sean Feucht tweeted videos of Pacific Ocean baptism — including that of his young son.
See the proud father:
State officials estimated 5000 on the beach in San Diego tonight. I am undone at the movement God is pouring out across America!!!
BUT THIS MOMENT RIGHT HERE my son Ezra was baptized tonight 😭😭😭#LetUsWorship pic.twitter.com/IT9CQL9A1T
— Sean Feucht (@seanfeucht) July 27, 2020
“In the midst of it all,” he insisted, “God is moving.”
Could this be the beginnings of another Jesus People Movement in California? pic.twitter.com/aD89YsOfGh
— Sean Feucht (@seanfeucht) July 11, 2020
“There is a movement rising up. You’ve got to be part of it.”
Could the incessant lockdown indeed ignite a revival?
It’s certainly stoking the fire beneath those who hold dear their faith.
Consider “Saturate OC.”
From Jessi Green, via the group’s official site:
“In 2016, my husband Parker and I moved across the country from New York to California and gave up everything we had because of a profound vision God had shown us. We came to California on a vacation and as we prayed we saw a picture of thousands of people being baptized along Huntington Beach Pier; the harvest was so massive, people were quickly turning around to baptize the person behind them. There was a ripple effect to this move of God. I believe that there is a massive harvest for THE CHURCH in Orange County to participate in and we need to prepare the nets of discipleship. … We need the collective body of Believers, the Saints, awakened and activated to share the Gospel and proactively making disciples. We want to use this year to work together, prepare our churches to disciple new believers, and actively go out and share the good news on the streets, beaches and piers!”
Saturate OC meetings — which Sean Feucht also attends — have turned into a fight.
From The Daily Wire:
Since the movement began on July 3, hundreds have been meeting each week on Orange County beaches for revival, baptism, and worship, despite resistance from local authorities. The city government of Huntington Beach ordered the event to be canceled because organizers did not follow coronavirus health precautions and had not obtained the requisite permits, according to officials. “You can’t cancel Jesus,” Jessi Green told the crowd that gathered anyway.
On July 13th, Gov. Gavin Newsom issued another round of shutdown orders, though resistance is ripe for the rising.
In fact, as I covered last week, megapastor John MacArthur took a stand over the weekend, announcing he will follow God rather than Newsom. And at this point, as per John, those two are on very different sides of the issue.
John’s the author of The Gospel According to Jesus. Perhaps there are many who’d say there’s a man in the governor’s mansion who believes in the Gospel According to Gavin.
As for that way, that truth, and that life…progressively, it would seem, Californians are losing their faith.
See more pieces from me:
Our Doggone Snitching Society Gives Rise to Pepper-Spray Karen
NFL Legend Mike Ditka: ‘If You Can’t Respect Our National Anthem, Get the Hell Out’ of America
Find all my RedState work here.
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