Don Jr. was on fire Friday, speaking to Brian Kilmeade on his eponymous Fox program.
Jr. was especially inflamed over what he considers a gargantuan media double standard between the Trump family and the Bidens.
He wanted to address what some have asserted: that Joe’s family — in particular, Hunter Biden — is off-limits.
Here’s what DTJ had to say, with a reference to calls from blocked numbers before and after the Trump Tower meeting of 2016 between Russians and Trump campaign reps.
“Look at what they tried to do to me for three years. I mean, these clowns tried to put me in jail for three years because I took an unsolicited phone call.”
The vice president of the Trump Organization labeled the difference sickening:
“You know, the double standard is pretty sick, Brian. I’ve talked about it for a long time. We can play one way, or we can play another way, but we’ve got to be playing the same game.”
Don put himself in a semi-Bidenish position:
“The reality is this: If Donald Trump Jr. flew on Air Force One with my father, the president, to China and came back with $1.5 dollars — not $1.5 billion, just $1.5 dollars — we’d solve the fake news media problem because their heads would explode.”
He’s certainly been scathed by the press a time or two. And he knows a bit about peeps going family-deep in a political attack.
As I covered in May, as part of the collusion clamor, Jr. said Dems sought to subpoena the tax records of his 4-year-old daughter, Chloe (here).
Actually, given the recent rise of children being utilized for political means (here, here, and here), that might not be a half-bad idea.
But Don ain’t into it:
“If Donald Trump Jr. had a no-show gig on a corrupt Ukrainian oil company while my father was in charge of the issues over there… minor details. I’ve never been in energy or oil. Minor details. I don’t speak Ukrainian. You think the press would have a problem with that, Brian?”
Hunter was, of course, on the board of Burisma Holdings while dad Joe was VP.
But Hunter probably won’t have to deal with cousin Eddie in the RV.
Don did:
“I had the media camped out in front of my apartment for two years. They don’t even try to find this guy to even get a comment.”
“It’s not fair. It’s not a level playing field,” he insisted. “And, so we have to fight back accordingly.”
Some critics of the news media would likely easily believe they were holed up like Eddie…and “full”:
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, and here
See 3 more pieces from me:
Don Jr. Just Called Newsweek ‘A Piece Of’ This Bodily Function – 2 Guesses
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