It’s a good thing I can type without seeing the screen. ‘Cause I’m wincing as I write this.
In my opinion, the worst thing you can do if you lose in a competition — the most effective way to humiliate yourself — is speak out against the person who beat you.
That’ll make you look:
- immature
- crazy
After a certain amount of time, if you’re still raging, “deranged” might be an appropriation addition to the list.
I’m not insisting those three characterizations apply in every situation, but I believe there are far less accurate guides.
Someone who apparently disagrees is Hillary Clinton, who went on The View Wednesday in order to illustrate that fact to the whole world.
"He knows that he’s an illegitimate president and because of that — he’s very insecure about it."
—@HillaryClinton on @realDonaldTrump
"He's obsessed with the fact that he was helped a lot," in 2016. pic.twitter.com/jxlj6UePyf
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) October 2, 2019
Last week, I covered the former First Lady ironically claiming President Trump is obsessed with her.
On the ABC talkfest, daughter Chelsea seconded that notion:
“He’s obsessed with her.”
Joy Behar concurred:
“He’s obsessed with you! Also, they’re chanting, ‘Lock her up.’ I mean, he has every criminal working for him and they’re worried about locking you up. What do you make of that?”
He has every criminal working for him??
What the $*@!?
In my view, at the national level, Democrats come across as unhealthily fixated on The Donald. They appear to be headed, therefore, toward a fate similar to the one Hillary’s still talkin’ about.
With barely a year to go before the election, there seems to be almost no attention to putting forth a superior candidate with superior ideas. Their most trumpeted efforts regard, rather, trying to undo 2016 goofily.
They’re even willing to lose Joe Biden as a candidate in order to push Ukraine in the attack against the President (here, here, and here).
The DNC is gonna be pushing at Trump for the next year, and then in November, he’s just gonna run between their legs and into the end zone.
And Hillary ain’t helpin’ ’em none.
Hit it, Hill:
“First, I do think that he knows that he’s an illegitimate president.”
The audience cheered.
“And because of that, he’s very insecure about it.”
Some would certainly say a man who sits on a golden toilet is insecure; others might assume he has an asstronomically high opinion of himself.
What do you think is the case?
Mrs. Bill Clinton didn’t really expound upon the idea; she was too busy saying she never really lost:
“Look what he’s trying to do now. Part of the Ukraine scandal that is slowly coming to light is he’s trying to figure out how to say, no, no, it wasn’t the Russians even though our intelligence community and everyone who has looked at this said yeah, it was the Russians. He’s trying to say no, somehow it was Obama, Hillary, whoever. So he’s obsessed with the fact that he was helped a lot in unprecedented ways.”
Still wincing.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Men Are Dangerously Brutalizing Women In Rugby As Teams Are ‘Forced To Prioritize H
Woman’s Boyfriend Shoots Her In The Head, But She Forgets For Almost Two Months So They Keep Dating
Find all my RedState work here.
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