24-year-old Jennifer Ortiz, of Commerce City, Colorado, has started a GoFundMe page.
The reason? Her bucket list.
It’s one she shouldn’t — at such a young age — have to make.
But after being denied a third heart transplant — and with only a biventricular assist device keeping her alive — she doesn’t know how much longer she’ll have.
Her father, Danny, explained to Denver’s Fox 31:
“[BiVAD’s are] not designed to be a total artificial heart.”
Jennifer underwent her first transplant at 12 years old, following the diagnosis of an enlarged heart initially manifested by a prolonged cough.
In 2017, she received a 2nd heart, which is now failing.
As reported by Fox News, on September 5th, she was told she was being placed on palliative care.
Now she’s looking to do what she can with the time she has left.
“We’ve got to condense a lifetime into as much time as we have,” Danny explained.
A few of Jennifer’s hopes? To visit the Big Apple, attend a Cowboys game, see The Ellen DeGeneres Show live, meet the Jonas Brothers, and enjoy a Broadway musical.
So why am I writing all this? Because of Jennifer, and because of you. After all — despite some claims to the contrary, conservatives have generous hearts. If you have a way of helping — whatever that might be — now you know of one more person in a world of need. Maybe you’ll assist her with your prayers. Or maybe you work for Ellen.
If you’d like to visit her GoFundMe — for which, of course, I cannot vouch — you can do so here.
On the page, Jennifer writes:
“If any of you have travelled to the destination I am going to, I’d love to get some ideas of what to do and see while I am there!”
Perhaps you have advice.
Politics and culture mean nothing without life; here’s to hoping Jennifer Ortiz has much more of it to live.
And in that gifted loan of time, may she — and may we all — find something wonderful.
Including the wonder of helping others.
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