In July of last year, conservative commentator Candace Owens and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk went out for some chicken and waffles for breakfast.
It didn’t go nicely — a group showed up with chants of “F*** the bourgeoisie!”
In case you’re unclear, the word means — according to Oxford — “the capitalist class who own most of society’s wealth and means of production.”
Obviously, that’s another way of saying “individuals who own businesses.” The Big Business socialist alternative, of course, is the politicians (via the government) owning all products and means of production and doling out resources as they choose — at whatever monopolistic price they demand.
That was the initial protest of choice. One participant sported a shirt which read “Feast on Those Who Subdue Us.” Another few shouted through bullhorns.
Imagine taking a shower, getting dressed, hopping in your car — along with a bullhorn with fresh batteries and homemade signs. Imagine driving across town to a place where you’ll stand outside and bellow.
How armed with information would you need to be?
According to Candace — as she watched the video in a clip provided by The Daily Caller — many who did the aforementioned didn’t pause to discover the meaning of the words they used.
“This isn’t the most educated bunch, I’d say. I mean, they are named ‘Antifa,’ and what they literally do is shut down speech. They are the actual fascists, and they call themselves the anti-fascists. So there’s that.”
Another choice chant: “F*** white supremacy.”
“I don’t think they had processed that they were the white people and I was black,” she added.
“They just say everything over and over again because they’re just used to it. There’s no thinking involved.”
Candace compared the crew to characters from Game of Thrones:
“They’re just, like, a mob of White Walkers.”
So what’s the goal of the mob? She took a guess:
“They don’t want us to be heard. That’s the whole point of a fascist, right? They don’t want us to be heard. Because there’s nothing that we say that advocates for white supremacy, but in order for them to pretend that we do, they have to shout that and hopefully confuse people that are walking around that they’re actually combating white supremacy…by kicking a black girl out of a restaurant.”
Watch Candace review the whistles and yells. At 8:30 in the morning.
We’ve got some societal kinks to work out.
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