I once suggested in an online forum that Los Angeles wasn’t doing well. Immediately, a couple Angelenos attacked me. They touted the superiority of the city’s roads, etc. When I posted links supporting the facts, they essentially told me to get the !#?@ out of the forum.
But perhaps one West Coaster who would’ve agreed with me is Alexandra Datig, a local activist.
In fact, she fears the city’s fall a might more than I — she’s created an S.O.S. video for President Trump, imploring, “Please, President Trump, we are calling on you: Help our city. Our citizens are dying; they will continue to die.”
Her presentation begins thusly:
“Message to the President of the United States. Donald J. Trump. Urgent Call for Federal Intervention. Due to the state of emergency caused by homelessness in Los Angeles California.”
I’ve covered Alexandra before: She’s the one heading up a mayoral recall on Eric Garcetti.
In June, she told City News Service Cali was “in a state of emergency.”
For more on that — as well as my personal account of homelessness in downtown L.A. — see here.
Back to Alexandra’s sounding of the alarm to the White House, here’s her message for the Commander-in-Chief:
“[I] am calling on the President of the United States to intervene in Los Angeles due to the state of emergency created by its homeless crisis. In the county of Los Angeles, we have more than 59,000 people homeless. We have more than 36,300 people homeless in the city of Los Angeles, and we have more than 16,000 people living in his or her cars. We have more than 3,000 homeless veterans. Veteran homelessness was supposed to be ended by the year 2015 according to our mayor.
“This has not happened.”
Then she fingers Eric:
“We have had a 75% increase in homelessness in the past six years under the leadership of our mayor, Eric Garcetti. Our leaders, here in this city, have lost heart and cannot deal with the crisis at hand. Our police officers are getting sick; our social workers are getting sick. Our sanitation workers are being treated terribly. Trash problems are everywhere. We are having serious environmental crimes happening, every day, several times a day, where 59,000 people in the county of Los Angeles are dumping raw sewage into our storm drains, entering our waterways.”
Raw sewage — that sounds nice.
Environmentalism, anyone?
“These are serious, serious environmental crimes. We have homeless youth; we have had, in the past five years, to 2018, more than 3,600 people die on the streets of Los Angeles. These people, who are living on the street, some of them, are sentenced to death by homelessness. This situation is completely unacceptable and we need a federal intervention immediately. We need FEMA; we need the Red Cross; we need the CDC and the Environmental Protection Agency.”
Watch the video above, which ends with this serious-as-a-heart-attack appeal:
“We need immediate assistance. This is urgent. Immediate assistance is needed. Now. Today. No delay. Please, President Trump, we are calling on you: Help our city. Our citizens are dying; they will continue to die.”
Alexandra isn’t the only one warning of the Golden State’s demise — last month, historian Victor Hanson told Tucker Carlson California is the country’s “first Third World state.”
There are certainly scenes playing out in the home of Democrats & Dodgers that would support that notion.
Still, L.A. still has a ways to go to compete with overachiever San Fran — maps of the city can help you find restaurants, hotels, entertainment complexes, and piles of human turds (please see here). The new San Francisco treat?
Relevant RedState links in this article: here and here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Brazil Makes Homophobia & Transphobia Illegal Under Racism Law, Punishable By Prison Time
Male Hurdler Competing In The NCAA Women’s Division Tells ESPN It’s The Women Who Have The Advantage
Find all my RedState work here.
And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.
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