There was a moment in the first 2020 Democratic debate when Cory Booker spoke Spanish. Same goes for Beto.
To me, they were as winceworthy as Hillary Clinton telling an urban radio station she always carries hot sauce.
It was pandering with a capital “P,” for Pathetic.
In my opinion, nothing looks worse on a politician.
Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio took away a slightly different idea from Farticus Booker’s (here) indulgence in the worst politics has to offer: The dude’s hard-to-watch effort “sounded like Portugese.”
Rubio wedgied Cory at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference, amid criticisms of Democrats’ unwillingness to address problems at the border:
“Not one of them had an answer for what we could do to stem this tide. They don’t have an answer to any of this. A few of them answered it in Spanish, and I can tell you that they didn’t have an answer in Spanish, either.”
Good one, Marco.
“It sounded more like Portuguese, to be honest with you.”
Egregious Español notwithstanding, the most bizarre debate debacle so far — and when I say “so far,” I mean since the beginning of the Earth — remains Julian Castro’s attempt to pander to men with uteruses (?), by proclaiming their right to taxpayer-forcefunded abortions (here). That clip will likely live on for thousands of years. Or, at least, it should.
I want my ringtone to be his enunciation of “JUSTICE!” See the video below.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here and here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Cory Booker On Dems’ 2020 Victory – Americans WANT To Pay More Taxes Because They’re ‘Patriotic’
Find all my RedState work here.
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