In just a year, actress and activist — actrevist, if you will — Alyssa Milano has made quite the journey. Initially expressing her views mildly and respectfully, she’s devolved into — if I may say so — impoliteness (here) among areas best delved into with expertise (here, here, here, here, and here), imbued by a potent sense of fated leadership (here and here).
I genuinely like her, and I always will; she just appears to have perhaps shifted down one gear too far.
And not everyone on the anti-conservative side is willing to follow.
Recently, the Who’s the Boss star called for all women to withhold sex from men in protest of Georgia’s (and other states’) fetal heartbeat bill:
Our reproductive rights are being erased.
Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy.
JOIN ME by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back.
I’m calling for a #SexStrike. Pass it on. pic.twitter.com/uOgN4FKwpg
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) May 11, 2019
A few problems:
- Concerning sex directives from strangers: That would be a “No” on taking abstinence orders for the average person.
- Alyssa seems to wrongly believe women are inherently pro-choice. They ain’t — see here.
- There’s an irony here: She’s raging against someone telling women what they can do with their bodies by telling women what they can do with their bodies.
Some left-wing ladies are sounding off.
Feminist and Philadelphia magazine Business Editor Fabiola Cineas tweeted that she’d like Alyssa to hold back on the Wrong:
Does Alyssa Milano have a team around her that could help her tweet less of the wrong things? #SexStrike https://t.co/qv8iUX11Hl
— Fabiola Cineas (@FabiolaCineas) May 11, 2019
Feministing.com founder and Why Have Kids? author Jessica Valenti said she isn’t going back to the oppressive days of slut shaming. Oh, and also, Republican men get mad if women are having tons of fun gettin’ it on all over the place:
Why a #SexStrike (Lysistrata!) is a bad idea:
1. Positions all oppressors as men (when 52% of white women voted for trump)
2. Supposes all ppl are heterosexual + part of the gender binary.
3. Perpetuates rape culture idea that men are sexual beasts & women are sexual gatekeepers. https://t.co/vhkwYlXVXu— joanna schroeder (@iproposethis) May 11, 2019
Despite what some may have asserted over the years, women are individuals with their own unique thoughts. They don’t all think alike. Not even ones on the same side of the aisle.
So who’s gonna get it right for the fairer sex? Who’s the most woke, the most indignantly triggered, the most anti-Trump? And how can red states be beaten into submission in the arena of abortion rights? It remains to be seen.
As for now, the Pink Hat battle rages on, outward and inward.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Find all my RedState work here.
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