Democratic 2020 hopeful Pete Buttigieg is set to make a splash at his own Hollywood fundraising event Thursday, hosted by a dude who definitely doesn’t think much of you.
Film director Sam Greisman’s helming the event, and part of his pedigree is his abject disdain for, it would seem, most all of conservative America.
Submitted for your approval:
Every single person associated with or supporting Trump is a low life piece of shit on an epic scale. https://t.co/MNaJo8XAHv
— sam greisman (@SAMGREIS) April 5, 2018
Well. That’s indubitably clear.
There was also this one:
Alternate theory: Trump voters should be shamed at every possible opportunity and never deserve respect. https://t.co/GtT0PxgnH8
— sam greisman (@SAMGREIS) March 26, 2018
I have to think that, had anyone said such things of Obama, they’d have been dismissed by media as extreme far-left wackos. It doesn’t seem to work so much the same in the opposite direction.
Hence, host.
Trump, his family and prison. https://t.co/TvwcwHzOw1
— sam greisman (@SAMGREIS) January 24, 2019
And Merry Christmas to you:
Merry Christmas to everyone except people still supporting Trump. They can burn.
— sam greisman (@SAMGREIS) December 25, 2017
So this is who’s operating as Democratic fundraising Master of Ceremonies.
On a personal level, though, I think perhaps Sam can be granted a bit of leeway. There’s at least a chance he’s spent his entire life in a left-wing bubble and simply knows nothing of the world outside of Democratic Hollywood: He’s the son of actress Sally Field, who I absolutely, positively love.
Other hosts for Pete while he’s in town: Gwyneth Paltrow and Robert F. Kennedy’s daughter-in-law, Vicki Kennedy.
As director, according to IMDB, 32-year-old Sam has yet to direct anything beyond a comedy short. Nothing wrong with that — Quentin Tarantino didn’t make his directorial debut ’til he was 29. But what is sad: Unbeknownst to Sam, he’s walking around in a world filled with flaming turds.
Burn on, readers.
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