Talk about Must-See TV.
On March 20th, devoted fisherman Lee Sandt was doing his thing at Georgia’s Lake Lanier, reeling in a largemouth bass. As the fish got near the boat, Lee’s 10-lb test line broke.
But remember that whole “devoted” thing? Whereas most people woulda chalked up the loss to rotten luck, Lee dived the heck in.
He threw himself into the 50-degree water to catch his fish — with his bare hands.
Who does this?
It’s a great way to spend the rest of the day wet, cold and still fishless.
And how cold is 50 degrees? Well, according to LiveStrong:
Extremely cold water — 50 degrees or below — can lead to cold shock. This occurs when the body is overwhelmed by extreme cold, and it can send your body into a heart attack or unconsciousness, the latter of which can lead to drowning. Your body responds to a sudden plunge into cold water by making you involuntarily gasp, and if you’re under water this can cause you to drown before you get to the surface.
But Lee obviously has a bit of Polar bear in him. Or Aquaman. Or…Antarctic ninja.
Partly motivated by a determination to retrieve his spinner bait, the angler dived in and wrestled that bass into submission.
He kicked some bass!
And he crawled back in the boat with fish in hand.
Now that’s how it’s done.
The video’s gotten over 4 million views so far.
Lee explained his technique to YOLOtek (See the YouTube interview below):
“It put its head back out of the water and with my right hand I put my hand literally right in his mouth and then I pinned it against my face. I knew because I immediately had a scratch on my face. When I got in the water, I didn’t let go of that fish until I knew I had a good grip and I knew I was starting to come up.”
The only person I’ve seen have similar luck fishing is Donald Trump — thanks to the wackiness of the Left, voters glommed onto him like fish jumping into the boat.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
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The Left Ratchets Up…To Murder?
Find all my RedState work here.
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