Dear Feminists: It's Not That Serious

Sexism! Sexism everywhere!

So one of the pearl-clutchers with the Huffington Post is aghast over what amounts to a non-issue with Jimmy Kimmel and his Tuesday night interview with actress, Megan Fox.


Apparently, Fox is pregnant with her third child. This is not earth-shattering news, and frankly, Fox isn’t that big of a name. Or that great of an actress.

What has the Medusas with HuffPo in a twist is the fact that Jimmy Kimmel, a comedian, made a joke.

I know. Crazy.

The joke centered around Fox failing to disclose her pregnancy to Kimmel in an appearance back in February.

The exchange, as relayed through HuffPo:

KIMMEL: You were not pregnant at all … Now it’s like, BOWM. A baby came right into your stomach.

FOX: There was a human growing in there. Yeah, I was definitely pregnant. I was already in my second trimester. I just had on, like, three pairs of Spanx and we were really harnessing that in.

KIMMEL: Do you feel, in a way, like you lied to me by coming out here pregnant and not indicating it in any way?

FOX: I mean, do you feel like I owe you that sort of intimate information?

KIMMEL: Yes, I do.

The audience laughed. It wasn’t that serious.

It wasn’t that serious, unless you’re a liberal harridan with a Helen Reddy – “I Am Woman” complex.


The aggrieved writer for HuffPo stated:

“But as Fox said, she doesn’t owe this ‘intimate information’ to Kimmel or anybody else. His invasive questioning shows exactly why some celebrities go to such lengths to hide their pregnancies. Whether you’re a famous actress or not, the world acts like your pregnancy is their business.

Last time we checked, broadcasting your personal life was not part of the “actress” job description.”

Several things I would like to point out to feminists everywhere, then I’ll let you go back to the really important issues of equality, like fighting to have Big Daddy Government pick up the tab for your birth control.

Entertainers make their living by playing into the fantasies of the general public. If nobody cared about what went on in the lives of movie stars, they wouldn’t have much of a career. It is their goal to grab as much attention and become as popular as they can, because it assures their future.

Let’s face it. If Megan Fox wasn’t beautiful, she’d be stocking shelves at a small-town Dollar General, making minimum wage, and living with her kids in a trailer park, somewhere.


She is beautiful, however, and her face and body are the product she sells to the masses, via the Hollywood screen scene.

The fact that she said she was wearing three pairs of Spanx, at some point, trying to hide her pregnancy should indicate that she recognizes the need to protect the image that has been built up around her.

Puffy, round, pregnant bodies hold a beauty of a different kind, but they aren’t the stuff that decorate the walls of college dorm rooms.

We could actually have a real discussion about how much information is too much, and if even those who sign up for a career in the public eye can expect the same level of privacy as someone who does your taxes for a living.

What we can’t (and shouldn’t) do is make such minor incidents as the Kimmel interview into an issue for stampy-footed outrage.



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