What Could Go Wrong? Dems Want Newsom's Recall Election Tomorrow; CA Election Officials Want to Slow the Roll

AP Photo/Ringo H.W. Chiu

Newsom is loaded for California bear and using his slick charm and Democratic Party coffers to ensure the Recall election weighs in his favor.

California Democrats are definitely feeling their oats, and Big League Politics alerted us to just how much:


A lawsuit filed on behalf of Rogan O’Handley, who goes by the handle DC Draino on Twitter, has exposed that California Democrats are literally ordering Draconian censorship against their political opponents directy from Twitter.

Following the election, the California Democrats colluded with Twitter to censor O’Handley’s posts exposing voter fraud.

Harmeet Dhillon of Liberty Center Law is filing a lawsuit on O’Handley’s behalf:

So, if the CA Dems are suppressing O’Handley and other political opponents, you know they are also suppressing every other outlet (including RedState) from getting traction on the Recall efforts and other corruption rampant in this State’s legislative body.

CA Dems are also pushing hard to have the Recall election as soon as possible (as early as August 24), wanting to ride the tide of Newsom’s favorable winds—if any actually exist. Gaslighting is, as gaslighting does.


But according to POLITICO, State officials are begging Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis to slow her roll:

County elections officials are asking state leaders to wait until at least Sept. 14 to hold a recall contest targeting Gov. Gavin Newsom, citing warnings from major ballot printing firms and various logistics challenges.

Local officials are bracing for the massively complex undertaking of holding a statewide, all-mail special election — a task further complicated by uncertainty around the precise election date.

There are still several steps before Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis can set an official date, but momentum has grown among Democrats for an earlier election as the state reopens and Newsom has relatively strong approval ratings.

The California Association of Clerks and Election Officials warned Monday that supply chain issues would make it impossible to hold a vote before the middle of September.

“We urge the Lieutenant Governor’s office take our concerns seriously which will allow us to conduct a successful election process. We owe this to our voters,” the association wrote in a letter to Kounalakis.

First, we know that Kounalakis is not the driver in this decision. She’ll be propped up to announce the decision, but the actual “when” is fully in the lap of CA Dems, probably fueled by the actual party head, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Second, will the Super Majority Democratic Legislature even listen to State officials? Probably not. Stupid is, as stupid does.


Newsom is focused on the bright, shiny objects and the attack ads. The latest grand gesture from His Hairfulness: Paying all of the past due rents that resulted from the eviction moratorium:

While such a promise could make landlords whole while giving renters a clean slate, what’s left unsettled is whether California will continue to ban evictions for unpaid rent beyond June 30, a pandemic-related order that was meant to be temporary but is proving difficult to undo.

Federal eviction protections also are set to expire on June 30. California had passed its own protections that applied to more people.

Newsom and legislative leaders are meeting privately to decide what to do, part of the negotiations over the state’s roughly $260 billion operating budget. An extension of the eviction ban seems likely to give California more time to spend all the money to cover unpaid rent. But landlords and tenants’ rights groups are arguing over how long that extension should last.

Ahh, those “legislative leaders” meeting privately with the governor are all Democrats, so if he thinks this is going to reduce his chances of Recall, consider it a done deal. That private meeting will never make it onto the Legislative floor for the rest of the lawmakers to at least make a show of weighing in. Newsom did not hang onto those emergency powers for no reason.

The Sacramento Bee does what it does best: Carry Hair Gel’s water on the lies that California’s economy is “roaring back.”


Practically everywhere he goes these days, it seems Gov. Gavin Newsom is bragging about California‘s economy — how well it withstood the COVID-19 pandemic, its performance compared to rivals like Texas, and the stunning boom that’s still to come.

The reality is somewhat complicated.

It’s true there’s considerable evidence that California is poised to make a strong recovery from the coronavirus stay-at-home orders that Newsom all but completely lifted Tuesday.

Californians are sitting on billions of dollars in stimulus payments from Congress that they’re finally able to spend on theater tickets, ballgames and vacations. Newsom has been working with lawmakers on his own California $100 billion stimulus plan, full of grants for small business and direct payments for families.

It’s also true, according to data compiled by economists at UCLA, that California has fared better than states such as Texas, which implemented far looser lockdown protocols.

Further signs of progress emerged Friday. The Employment Development Department reported that statewide unemployment fell a tenth of a point in May, to 7.9%, as 104,500 nonfarm jobs were created. It was the fourth straight month in which employers added at least 100,000 jobs, and the state generated nearly 19% of all the new jobs in the United States.

Sacramento-area unemployment fell three-tenths of a point, to 6.3%, as 4,300 jobs were added to the region’s payrolls.

California has reopened, and we’re ready to roar back,” said Dee Dee Myers, director of the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development, in a prepared statement.


They fail to mention the 226,000 backlogged claims that are still pending in the system. That’s thousands of people who have not received ANY money for their legitimate UI claims.

California Globe issues a more sobering assessment of Newsom’s supposed accomplishments.

“California continues to lead the nation’s economic recovery, adding 104,500 jobs in May, marking the fourth month in a row of six-figure job creation,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom said in a statement Friday.

Wow! Shazam! Pow! Relief! Whew! The California economy is back according to Gov. Newsom. But he left out a few critical points: He locked down California ahead of the other 49 states forcing “non-essential” businesses to close and lay-off employees.

Yet now Gov. Newsom is taking credit for creating jobs? He’s got a short memory after killing off 40% of California businesses with his COVID lockdown orders in March 2020.

Besides restaurants, another bulk of those businesses hobbled or killed? Health and Fitness Centers. So what does Hair Gel do? He commissions his bubble-headed bride Jennifer Siebel Newsom to do some P.R. The same bride who also gets funding for her films from the same corporate interests that lobby and fund Hair Gel’s coffers.

But, no conflicts here. <insert *eyeroll* emojis>


The comments on this tweet are worth more than any vaccine lottery:


No, we wouldn’t, and Democrats keep forgetting this. Newsom and the CA Dems assume Californians have short memories, are stupid, or just grateful to go back to not having to be bothered with politics. Part of that may be true, but with over two million signatures collected, 1.7 million verified, and only 46 signatures rescinded, it is doubtful that those who want this man gone have changed their minds.

The mama bears, whose children lost over a year of education, and some of them their lives, have not forgotten:

This person gets the theater at work in anything that Gavin Newsom does up until the Recall:


Newsom can keep throwing out the bright, shiny objects and let the CA Dems try out all your strong-arm tactics. He’s still getting Recalled.


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