Construction Company Blows the Roof off Gun Control With a 'Welcome' Gift Sure to Trigger Beto and Biden

AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File

A construction company in Powell, Wyoming is going bold.

As reported by Cowboy State Daily, Wiggins Construction is pushing a promotion that’d likely leave Beto 2020 devotees, well, triggered.


For residential and commercial customers purchasing a new roof, Wiggins is offering quite the caliber of a welcome gift: a free AR-15.

According to the company’s marketing director, Matt Thomas, folks are flocking to the country:

“People are moving into Wyoming to get out of the cities and to get away from the regulation and to get away from living in fear.”

The bonus boomstick is being bestowed in the name of customer relations:

“We’re just offering it as almost like, for the people that are recently moving to Wyoming as a ‘Welcome to Wyoming’ gift, and for the people that are here, locals, just a ‘thank you’ for doing business.”

The move is most definitely old school.

Courtesy of

[I]n 1985, you could order a Chevy truck with an Outdoorsman Package. It came in hunting trim with a bunch of gear that included with a Winchester Model 94 in .30-30 complete with Chevy medallion in the stock, a Tasco scope, gun case, window rack, safety glasses, and a Winchester hat. … Purchase price also included an assortment of hunting, fishing, or camping gear, valued at $500.

Purchasers of the hunting package received a special edition Winchester Model 94 XTR with a commemorative Chevy medallion set into the stock and outfitted with a Tasco W 4×32 scope held in place with Holden 751 Iron-Sighter scope mounts. You could transport the 94 in your choice of the included Doskocil Deluxe 101 gun case or two-gun rear-window rack.


Can you imagine that today?

Perhaps Matt can.

He says the promotion’s brought calls and voicemails — and not all in favor:

“We’ve gotten quite a bit of flack from it. I don’t know how this story’s gotten to New Hampshire and to Chicago, Illinois, and to central California. But we are getting phone calls, voicemails from people saying all sorts of negative stuff about us, you know, stuff like ‘baby killers’, and we’re distributing weapons of mass destruction to the public.”

It’s no wonder many view guns solely as instruments of murder.

That appears to be the prevailing perspective on TV: They’re tools evildoers use against victims.

The opposite employment seems rarely observed.

But examples of such have occasionally garnered national attention, including a pair of church shootings.

Two years ago, at the West Freeway Church of Christ near Fort Worth, 71-year-old security volunteer Jack Wilson shot down a man firing a shotgun into the congregation.

Terribly, two innocents perished.

Watch the video below (beware — it’s disturbing):

And in 2017, 55-year-old neighbor — and certified NRA instructor — Stephen Willeford heard gunshots coming from Sutherland Springs, Texas’s First Baptist Church.

Shoeless, he ran out with his AR-15:


Heartbreakingly, twenty-seven lives were still lost.

In both instances, though, without an armed citizen’s interruption, many more may have been murdered.

Back to Wiggins Construction, Matt said people around town appreciate the 2nd-Amendment-affirming offer:

“[H]ere’s the thing. None of these people are locals that are really saying [negative things about the promotion]. The response from the actual public and the locals has been phenomenal — we’ve got probably three voicemails this morning from people like ‘Hey, we don’t need a roof, but we saw your ad in the Powell Tribune and we just want to say that it’s awesome, and we really support what you guys are doing.’”

They’re certainly doing something worthy of making the news.



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