Promoted from the diaries by streiff. Promotion does not imply endorsement.
On Thursday night at 10:11 EST Buzzfeed released a story detailing information that Michael Cohen, former attorney for Donald Trump, claims that Trump told him to lie to Congress about the timing of plans for his Trump Tower project in Moscow. Buzzfeed credits this information to “two federal law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the matter” additionally, Buzzfeed reports that Cohen arranged to fly then candidate Trump to Moscow to meet with Russian President and Clinton presidency spoiler Vladimir Putin. This is one of the classic “big if true” stories and if you’re a Democrat, it’s the perfect fuel for you to grab your keyboard, get on facebook, and rant at your conservative friends about how Trump was a Russian puppet all along, which is precisely why I’m saying this is too good, too perfect a timing, and is a totally bogus write-up made to deflect from the real story.
Allow me to clarify a few things first so you understand where I am coming from. I 100% believe the main stream media colludes with the Democrat party on a daily basis to try and push a party approved narrative to the American people and consistently meet the public relations goals of the DNC. Now that I’ve cleared that up for you, I believe that Buzzfeed is running a deflection campaign against a REAL story which was released the day prior (Wednesday, at 7:20PM EST to be exact), about how the #4 official at the DoJ Bruce Ohr briefed senior leaders at the FBI and DoJ about the connection between the Clinton campaign and the dossier, which was covered here by Redstate’s Elizabeth Vaughn.
The news of Cohen pleading guilty broke in late November, and it was the juiciest meat for the Russian conspiracy theorists to sink their teeth into. The American people have become weary with the Russia investigation, Conservatives because they can’t stand seeing our country’s intelligence and law enforcement community turned into a political hit squad, and Liberals because they were promised by the #resisters that Trump would be taken away in handcuffs just for winning the presidency, yet he still sits in the oval office. We knew that the Democrats would repeatedly reboot the Russia conspiracy when they had nothing else to complain about, but the only substantial recent development has been the information that FBI officials lied to the FISA court about knowledge of the Democrats involvement in the Christopher Steele dossier, and particularly, that Bruce Ohr briefed them that he found Steele to be “biased against Trump”.
This reboot tells me a couple of things. One is that Democrats are losing the shut down battle, because otherwise it would wall-to-wall coverage of federal workers who didn’t receive their paychecks, and Nancy Pelosi begging Trump to open the government back up and Democrats would swear they would work out a separate deal on the border. Second, Democrats and their propagandists in the media need the American people to ignore the story showing how the FBI withheld exculpatory evidence to launch a bitter, illegal, and unjustified surveillance campaign against U.S. citizens and a political candidate, you know, like what you would see in a banana republic. Buzzfeed was all too eager to publish the Steele dossier even though they failed to verify one bit of what was in the report, so I don’t know why anyone should assume Buzzfeed would have any integrity with this story either.
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