
Violence, Arson, Vandalism, Hate: Where Is the Left Going With All This?

Stormy Petrel, the dark harbinger. (Credit: Ward Clark via AI - Night Cafe Creator)

We've seen a lot of nitwittery from the left since President Trump resumed office in January. A lot of the left's activities have been political theater we can point and laugh at, and we've had a fair amount of fun doing so.

But there's a dark undertone to the left's outrage over not only President Trump but the everyday Americans that returned him to the White House. What's more, that undertone is starting to bubble to the surface. From antisemitism and support for terror groups on college campuses to outright assault and vandalism, there are those on the left who seem determined to keep turning that dial.

The question is this: Where and when will they stop?

SEE ALSO: It's Worse Than You Think: Influencer Goes Undercover at NY Campus, Finds Mass Support for Hamas

WATCH: Three Virginia University Professors Advocating for Violent Overthrow of the United States

It's impossible to deny this is escalating; there have been incidents surrounding Tesla automobiles and Tesla dealerships, just to name one example, involving not only vandalism but arson.

And now we discover that a wealthy leftist activist is bankrolling this:

Anti-Tesla protests are being fuelled by a Democratic mega-donor – whose ex-husband is one of Elon Musk’s closest pals.

Billionaire Steve Jurvetson, 58, was an early investor in Tesla, served on its board until December 2020 and continues to sit on Musk’s SpaceX board. However, his ex-wife, California psychiatrist Karla Jurvetson, 58, doled out more than $500,000 to Indivisible Action, a political action group linked to a non-profit directing the protests against Musk, according to public records.

Indivisible, a Washington-based advocacy group, is sponsoring “Musk or Us” demonstrations across the country this week. The group proves a “toolkit” on their website featuring graphics and anti-Tesla protest signs as well as information about how to conduct town halls.

This group is not openly advocating arson, mind you; but they are adding fuel to these literal flames. Only last week I wrote of three possible scenarios for a civil war, should things break down to that level.

The first and best outcome would be that the United States military would, en masse, flatly refuse to engage in any armed uprising against the National Command Authority - the commander in chief, President Trump. This is the most likely outcome, even after years of the Obama/Biden degradation of our military. This is a big, broad red line that nobody in uniform should want to cross.

The second and least likely outcome would be the fulfillment of Professor Arenella's fever dream, a military coup, which would also almost certainly end up with a military dictatorship. Not an ideal outcome.

The third outcome involves some portion of the military going over and attempting outcome number two while the rest refuse, with civilians either being caught in the middle or overtly taking sides. In other words, civil war. This would be a civil war that would pit left against right. And that would not end to the left's advantage.

But there's another possibility, and it may be worse than an outright civil war.

I've said for many years that a major difference between right and left in these kinds of fundamental conflicts is that the left views social disruption as a dial; they turn it up, they turn it down, and they can adjust it as fits the situation at the moment and the degree of resistance they face. The right, on the other hand, tends to view this same thing as a toggle, with "peaceful public life and discourse" on one side, and "fix bayonets" on the other. 

So what happens if the left leaves their dial on "simmer," as they seem to be doing now - not enough to provoke open conflict, but enough to possibly cause a death of a thousand cuts? How many on the left are smart enough to understand that they can't win an open conflict? How many are smart enough to know that, should they attempt what some of the worst among them are proposing, it would end very swiftly and not at all to their advantage?

This may be the worst scenario of all, and therefore the one we should be ready for. Why" Because it looks like this is, at the moment, what the left is doing. I won't say "planning" - that gives them too much credit - but this is what they are doing. 

How does the right respond? By keeping on. Staying the course. Continue repatriating illegal alien criminals, no matter how the left squawks. Fight the court fights as necessary; we have the Constitution on our side. Repatriate as well the pro-Hamas agitators on our college campuses who are here on student visas. Arrest and prosecute anyone who takes place in a campus riot, or who torches a car dealership. Protest, fine; they can protest all they want, as long as they are not interfering with the public's affairs or damaging public or private property. Protests we can ignore. Vandalism and arson, promotion of terror, incitement of violence we cannot.

This is going to be a long fight. To drop another saying I find myself saying and writing a lot, it took generations to get to this point, and it may well take generations to get out. But it has to be done. The alternative is that the United States, the greatest nation ever to exist on the planet, will decline and perish. It's that important.


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