It's usually the left that continually yaps about How Europe Does Things, as though we should worry about a bunch of ossified old nations, most of whom are smaller than some American states and who seem determined to commit demographic and cultural suicide. But things are going on over there that can be instructive, although not in a good way — more as an object lesson or even a warning.
For example: The "gender ideology" craze is becoming more marginalized here in the United States, although these people are still very vocal. But in the United Kingdom, the forces of sanity are still playing Whack-a-Mole with everything from sport to health care. In the latest bit of lunacy, the Daily Sceptic has a story about the lunacy that has sprouted up around the reporting of the death of a child.
Yep. They're bringing kids into it again.
Late last year, the Department of Health and Social Care updated the official documents for reporting the details surrounding the death of a child.
What happened shows how there is no sacrosanct corner out of bounds for the promotion of gender ideology.
According to the newly updated ‘Child death reporting form’, the three most important things you need to know about a child who has died are his or her age, sex and gender identity.
Here's the image of the reporting document:
— Ward Clark (@TheGreatLander) March 17, 2025
There's an old saying attributed to many sources that goes, "Give me the boy, and I'll give you the man," implying that (of course) children are malleable, that they can be taught things and made to believe them, even if those things will make a rational adult burst out laughing. And the UK's gender ideologists are determined to do just that; even when a child dies, they have to insert the agenda everywhere, everywhen, no matter what contortions they have to go through.
It matters. Because facts matter. Biology matters. And the truth matters.
Should we care? This is data gathering, not the front line of the gender debate, encroaching on women’s single sex spaces or prescribing irreversible drugs to school children.
We should care, because it illustrates the extraordinary reach of gender ideology. This ideology undermines science and the truth – foundations of our society. If we roll out quackery, unchallenged and everywhere, we will eventually lose sight of the truth.
Gender ideology isn’t even harmless quackery like star signs. It causes terrible harm. We actually lie to our children in schools when we tell them they have an inner gender identity. Children are predisposed to believe adults. We breach a duty of trust and care when we lie to them – and we are doing that at a policy level in our schools right now. When some of those children go down a pathway of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and body-modification surgeries they are harmed for life. We’re actively promoting this harm, letting it roll out everywhere.
I would argue one point: "We" are not promoting this harm. "They" — the gender ideologues — are promoting it. We are opposing it. And here, in the United States, we're making some progress.
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This isn't about health care. It's not about the accurate reporting of a death. It's about a social agenda that has nothing to do with either. And, yes, it's dishonest, and it's harmful. Allowing boys and men on girls' and women's sports teams is unfair, but altering a child's body or biochemistry is harmful, dangerous, and irreversible. Make no mistake; that is part of the purpose of this lunacy, in this insistence on having everything in Britain's healthcare system pass through the lens of gender ideology. They are, in effect, trying to normalize this — and that's dangerous.
Britain and, indeed, most of Europe are headed on a collision course with reality. The increasingly vocal Muslim minorities in many of the nations won't stand for this nonsense, which is one of the few positives about having them there; and given the history of unchecked immigration and the social upheavals that are coming along with it, that collision is certain to be unpleasant.
The gender ideologues are insistent, in the meanwhile, on pushing into every aspect of society. If it was just adults, and if they would just mind their own business, few people would mind if they claimed to identify as a turducken — but they are making demands that, increasingly, the rest of society is finding objectionable.
And why do they insist on bringing kids into it?