And here we thought Kamala Harris was the least likable Democrat in California politics, although granted, she's up against some pretty stiff competition. But complications are always there to complicate things, and while the Queen of Word Salads is making noises about running for governor of the formerly Golden State in 2026, it turns out she has some competition, not only in the gubernatorial contest but in being the least likable Democrat in California. That would be, of course, Representative Katie Porter (D-CA).
X's ongoing troubles don't permit the embedding of the video at the link above, but here are some highlights (profanity alert):
Rep: Katie Porter: Californians hear a lot of excuses from elected officials.
Unknown speakers: That's a complex problem. That's proving challenging. That's not my job. It's too hard.
KP: What a bunch of bulls**t.
It goes downhill from there.
This is a woman, remember, who just lost a Senate race to Adam Schiff. That's hardly a ringing recommendation for her to put herself up for another statewide race. She thinks saying things like "bulls**t' will make her look edgy and smart, when in reality, it makes her look about as authentic as Barbara Billingsley speaking "jive" in the movie Airplane."
But perhaps the best bit from this opening salvo is the statement that "What we need is new ideas." While it's tempting to point and laugh at her poor grammar - that should be "What we need are new ideas" - that's just low-hanging fruit. And there's just so much here to work with!
Her vid goes on to proclaim that she will "Take on dangerous leaders/enablers" and shows images (of course) of President Trump, Elon Musk, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA), Vice President JD Vance, and... Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell? Does her campaign not realize he's not the top Republican in the Senate anymore? And do they not realize that, since President Trump took office, the "right track/wrong track" polling has reversed and that President Trump's approval ratings are nearly 20 points higher than those of Joe Biden?
Maybe Kamala Harris does have a shot at this after all.
See Related: Making Moves: Kamala Harris 'Setting Timetable' for Her Next Big Political Decision
Thinking the Previously Unthinkable: Is California's Governorship in Play for the GOP in 2026?
Porter goes on to proclaim she has "The courage to lead in this moment." But could she be serving another purpose here? Could Katie Porter be serving as an unwitting straw man candidate? The straw man fallacy, of course, consists of making a false argument regarding an opponent's stance on a given issue, then arguing against that false claim; but could Porter be serving herself as a straw candidate? Even if we presume she's serious, she may accidentally fulfill the role of making Kamala Harris look better by comparison.
Granted, that bar is so low that you would need a bathysphere to find it. On the national scale, of course, it's even worse when you have to factor people like Dem Reps. Al Green (TX), AOC (NY), and Ilhan Omar (MN) into the range of fundamentally unserious people.
Katie Porter may well have achieved the impossible, at least in California: Making Kamala Harris look like the lesser of two evils. That's impressive, but not in a good way.
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