At some point, you have to wonder when reality will pop up and whack some Democrats on the head.
Of course, given the election that took place a week ago today, one has to wonder if the answer to that is "never," as in the immortal words of Louisiana's Senator John Kennedy, the Democratic Party seems to be stuck on stupid on this issue. Not even the presence of "transgender girls" - boys - in their daughters' locker rooms and showers is enough to dissuade them from the party line.
But the American voters have been bullied enough on this topic, and indeed, even some Democrats are beginning to cry, "Hold, enough!"
“How dare you say that” isn’t a persuasive political argument.
Yet the side that has believed it can bully its way to victory on cultural issues by policing the debate in its favor continues to act as if it is one, even after getting soundly beaten in the election.
The left’s game has been to insist that everyone adopt its tendentious vocabulary, to call opponents bigots, and to use moral blackmail — and the threat of punishment — to keep any left-of-center doubters in line.
We dare to say that, of course, because it's a biological reality; deny it until your eyes bleed, but boys and girls are different, even before puberty. These are facts.
At least one Democratic lawmaker is stamping on the brakes.
A top aide to Democratic Rep. Seth Mouton resigned after the Massachusetts congressman had the temerity to say that he doesn’t want his daughters “getting run over on a playing field by a male or formerly male athlete, but as a Democrat I’m supposed to be afraid to say that.”
Well, he’s supposed to be afraid for a reason. He, too, was fiercely denounced by left-wing groups.
He shouldn't be afraid. He's stating the truth. Men and women, boys and girls, are different. Note that much of this hooraw isn't really about "transgender" issues or gender dysphoria per se. If an adult, capable of giving informed consent, wants to identify as the opposite sex, or as intersex, or three-spirit, or a cheetah or a ham sandwich, few will really care all that much. We may think that person is nutty as squirrel poo, but it doesn't affect us, so who cares? But when they start pushing the ideology on our kids or pushing for boys to be in our daughter's athletic teams or locker rooms, that's a bridge too far.
In the election post-mortem, plenty of the leftist media still aren't getting it.
Cable news echo chambers, such as MSNBC, are a big part of the Democratic Party’s problem on these gender matters. Just days after Moulton’s comments, conservative author Shermichael Singleton was interrupted by fellow panelist Jay Michaelson after Singleton had the temerity to suggest that, “I think there are a lot of families out there who don’t believe boys should play girl sports.”
“They’re not boys. I’m not going to listen to transphobia at this table,” Micaelson thundered from across the table. “I am not going to listen to you call a trans-girl a boy. That is just not how it is. When you use a word that’s a slur, I’m going to interrupt. That’s not how it is. They’re not boys. They’re not boys, they’re not playing girls softball. I’m not going to sit there and listen to that.”
They are boys. They have XY chromosomes. They have the advantages of speed, strength, endurance, and weight that boys have. These are facts.
See Related: President-Elect Trump and Olympic Committee on Collision Course Over Transgender Athletes
Maybe It's Democrats Who Spurred the Spike in Post-Election, LGBTQ Mental Health Crisis Calls
Some congressional Democrats are beginning—slowly—to understand why they lost. Megyn Kelly, on her popular YouTube channel, recently presented a clip of Rep. Chris Murphy (D-CT), who usually isn't the first guy you'd look to for sane policy stands, actually coming around on some topics—but not this one.
Ay, there's the rub. Representative Murphy puts the "happiness" of boys cosplaying as girls as a priority above the rights of girls not to have boys on their sports teams and in their showers and locker rooms. You can see him, right there, saying so.
That is a big part of why the Democrats lost so badly in this election. That's why they will continue to lose as long as they adopt loony-tunes policy statements like this.
Look, competition is good, be it in auto manufacturing, grocery store chains, or any other endeavor. The American electorate would be better served with two strong, sensible political parties; not all that long ago, the Overton Window encompassed the middle, and the Democrats were a center-left party. But now the Democrats have largely abandoned that position to become the party of the far-left, of coastal elites, of ivory tower academics, of ranting socialists, and, yes, the fanatical transgender-girls-in-girls-sports crowd. They have abandoned the middle to the Republicans; they have abandoned blue-collar workers, small business owners, and the regular productive people of the United States to the Republicans. They abandoned them to Donald Trump.
So far there aren't many signs that the Democratic Party as a body of people has learned much from this electoral beating. It may well take another couple of elections for them to get the message. That's just as well; the rest of us can get on about fixing some of these problems while the left is still in shock.