INCOMPETENT: KJP Gets Grilled on Iran Sanctions, Spouts Lies

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

White House spokesdroid Karine Jean-Pierre (KJP) is frequently in the unenviable position of defending the indefensible, but any sympathy we might otherwise feel for her is tempered by her dishonesty. Her latest imbroglio came following a question from a reporter on Iran sanctions, and it's a humdinger.


Here's KJP's problem: Reality is here, and KJP is over there. As in, beyond shouting distance. Let's take a look at this brief exchange.

REPORTER: "And so Iran, we've all seen obviously what happened today, and we also have an active plot to assassinate one of the candidates in the U.S. election, which could be seen as a direct attempt at election interference. Is there any talk of consequences for Iran in terms of limiting their revenue, going after their oil exports."

KJP: "Look, you heard (National Security Advisor) Jake (Sullivan) speak to this on what... there will be consequences, you heard Jake say this, this is an ongoing situation, that's the reason he had to get back to his desk, to make sure that he continues to monitor what's happening, occurring, having conversations with his counterparts as well, in Israel. But this administration has not lifted a single sanction on Iran, we cannot forget that. Rather, we continue to increase pressure, that's what we have seen. Our extensive sanctions on Iran remain in place and we will certainly continue to enforce them, and you heard from the national security advisor, you heard what he said."


This is untrue. As in, false. As in, she's either horribly, unforgivably uninformed, or she's lying.

Let's continue with the conversation:

REPORTER: So, Iran's oil exports have reached a record level now. One report (is) showing 3.2 million barrels per day, according to OPEC. That's about $90 billion a year. So when do we cut off that revenue?

KJP: We have not lifted any, a single sanction. If anything, as I said moments ago, we increased pressure. That's what we have been doing."

There is literally not one true statement in anything Karine Jean-Pierre said in this entire exchange, other than noting that Jake Sullivan is National Security Advisor, and candidly, it's a bit surprising she got that right.

See Related: Peter Doocy Corners KJP on Troubling Criminal ICE Data, Her Answer Doesn't Go Well

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Karine Jean-Pierre is the least capable White House press secretary in the history of White House press secretaries. Granted, the Harris/Biden administration doesn't give her much to work with, but one would think that she would at least hesitate before spewing out information that is so clearly and unambiguously wrong. It is literally only the work of moments in this modern information age to fact-check this stuff, and anyone can do so; clearly, the reporter questioning KJP in this exchange was better informed than she.

But then, most of the White House press corps is better informed than KJP. Mind you, given some members of the White House press corps, that's anything but a glowing commendation.

The republic cannot see this administration in the rear-view mirror soon enough.


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