AOC's New York District Overrun With Drugs, Prostitution - and AOC is AWOL

AOC at Met Gala (Credit: The Recount)

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) represents a congressional district where chaos reigns. Prostitution, drugs, and homelessness are rampant; illegal immigrants are reportedly responsible for much of the mess. And AOC? She's AWOL: Absent Without Leave.


In "Squad" member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district in New York City, those who are described as scantily dressed migrant prostitutes line blocks of a long commercial strip during all hours of the day and night, brazenly soliciting sex to passersby while their pimps strike fear into local business owners, one of whom told Fox News Digital he’s been threatened for speaking out and is on the verge of closing his store.

The trash-filled streets of Roosevelt Avenue in Queens, which encompasses the migrant-heavy communities of Corona, Jackson Heights and Elmhurst, has become a veritable hotbed for one of the world’s oldest professions, and residents say that most elected officials and police are turning a blind eye to the neighborhood nightmare, which looks more like the famed brothel-filled red-light district streets of Bangkok than one of America’s biggest cities.

Illegal vendors also overrun the sidewalks, plying their hustle in what residents have likened to "Third World" conditions, cooking hot food out in the open devoid of any health certifications or inspections as hungry birds swoop down in search of leftovers and leaving their droppings along the way. 

Note that AOC supports New York's "sanctuary" status, as famously as she fakes collapsing in tears at the sight of an empty parking lot. Granted, AOC is not responsible for local law enforcement and doesn't have a part to play directly in cleaning up the streets of Queens. But she supports policies — like the Harris-Biden administration's non-enforcement of the border — that have led directly to the woes facing not only New York but major cities across the fruited plain.


Previously on RedState: Blue City Blues: Workers in 'Oldest Profession' Operate Openly Across From 2 NYC Elementary Schools

Thanks, Biden-Harris—Cops Estimate Up to 75 Percent of Manhattan Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants

There's more to it, though, than just her support of these policies. It's that she doesn't appear to take the problems the people in her district are facing very seriously. Oh, AOC is great when it comes to shouting for socialism alongside her fellow Squad lunatics, and she's great at wearing designer dresses to events like the Met Gala, wherein the dress and tickets to the event cost more than many of the people in her district earn in a year. But when it comes to paying attention to her district, she seems to fall badly short. As noted, a member of Congress has little to do with local law enforcement, but she could at least show up, pretend to pay attention, pretend she cares — that's called leadership, and it's something with which none of the Squad seem to have even a nodding acquaintance.

Locals have noted AOC's absence.

Of Ocasio-Cortez, (local activist Ramses) Frías said the socialist lawmaker has not been seen in the neighborhood since she took part in a rally there in August 2023, where she condemned a city crackdown on illegally operating vendors and called for the city to issue more permits to those vendors.

"She does not visit this area; this is actually an area where she campaigned the hardest and a lot of people went out [to vote] for her, and she doesn't come over here. She has totally neglected us," Frías said, noting that other local elected officials are rarely seen in the area, which is only represented by Democrats.


There's an obvious answer, and it should be occurring to the residents of this district: Vote her out. Send her back to find another job tending bar.


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