New York City: The Far-Left Activist Who Is Next in Line for Mayor Should Eric Adams Step Down

Townhall Media

It would seem to be an interesting time to be a New Yorker, and that means "interesting" in the "ancient Chinese curse" sense. Mayor Eric Adams appears to be up to his neck in trouble, facing federal conspiracy and fraud charges, and it's becoming difficult to see how he can continue in office; even for a New York politician, these shenanigans may well be a bridge too far. But, as are all citizens, Mayor Adams is entitled to due process and the presumption of innocence, so we'll have to see how all this plays out.


There's another complication, though. New Yorkers may well be thinking things couldn't possibly get any worse, but this appears to be one of those cases where "Worse" shows up and says "Hold my beer." As it happens, the next in line for Mayor of the Big Apple is a real piece of work — as in, a socialist, BLM, "defund the police" kind of work

NYC Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, 48, who has protested against the police, is next in line for the mayor's office - and exactly the kind of Democrat that far-left progressives like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have been dreaming of to run the nation's biggest metropolis. 

He would replace Adams temporarily, until there is a special election 80 days after the change of power, sparking fears among New Yorkers that things could go from bad to worse in the city.

'A wounded Eric Adams, a weakened Eric Adams remaining in office, is better than the socialist Jumaane Williams,' former mayoral candidate Curtis Sliwa told 'That will open up the floodgates to socialism, and we will become Chicago.' 

Adams, a moderate Democrat and former cop, has been the target of progressives like AOC, who oppose his pro-NYPD views and statements denouncing the Biden administration's migrant policies.


If Williams should take charge, even for a short stint, it's tempting to say, "So long, New York, it was nice knowin' ya." Williams isn't just a liberal, or a "progressive." He's a virulent socialist; his politics would not have been out of place in the October Revolution.

During 15 years in public service, Williams has stoked anti-police sentiment and pushed for criminal reform, including to end solitary confinement in city prisons. He is also a prominent pro-Palestine activist. 

The failed gubernatorial candidate is a firm proponent of slashing the NYPD's budget but lives in a US military base in Brooklyn that offers 24-hour security.

Williams was a leader of the 2020 BLM protests in NYC. In June 2020, during the George Floyd protests, he led marches to Brooklyn Borough Hall to demand NYPD budget cuts.

He also threatened to refuse to sign a warrant authorizing the collection of real estate taxes, which underpin the city's budget.

Even for notoriously liberal New York, that may be a bridge too far — but then, this is the city that sent the notorious Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Congress, and AOC has endorsed Williams for the big chair. That, in itself, speaks volumes as to where Williams stands on any number of issues affecting the city. This is, quite literally, one of the most far-left political figures that New York City has produced, and given the Big Apple's proclivities in elected officials, that's quite an eye-opener.


Previously on RedState: BREAKING: NYC Mayor Eric Adams Indicted on Criminal Charges, Expected to be Arrested 

BREAKING: We Now Know the Charges Against New York Mayor Eric Adams

Granted, Williams would only hold the office for 80 days until a special election could be organized and take place; but incumbency is a big advantage, even if one has only been in office a few months. And this is a city that isn't known for great choices in mayors, having put the likes of Bill de Blasio in office. But Williams appears to be quite another kettle of socialist fish; even de Blasio would likely have recoiled a little at some of this guy's actions. Williams, as Mayor, would take New York down a far darker path than it has been on for some time now. The city can't afford to have this happen. The residents of New York really can't afford to have this happen.

There's cause for hope — yes, really. Mayor Adams has stated:

In a speech recorded at his official residence, Adams said he would remain in office, describing any charges he may face as “entirely false, based on lies.”

'I always knew that if I stood my ground for all of you, that I would be a target — and a target I became,' Adams said. 'I will fight these injustices with every ounce of my strength and my spirit.'


He reiterated that stance during a Thursday morning press conference. 

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Gives Defiant Remarks While Facing Federal Indictment

And here's something many of us from the center to the right considered we'd never be thinking, but: Mayor Adams, stand your ground and stay in office as long as possible because Jumaane Williams would be an unmitigated disaster as mayor.


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