
Harris Worries Oil and Gas Industry Leaders: America Can't Afford Her Agenda

AP Photo/Hussein Malla

There's a lot America can't afford with a possible Harris/Walz presidency. Every one of the few coherent policy statements either candidate has mentioned would drive spending and inflation higher. What few coherent statements they have made on energy will make us more dependent on foreign energy and will make that energy more expensive; Kamala Harris is, of course, dissembling when she claims she doesn't oppose, for instance, fracking, as there is ample evidence from her past statements that prove otherwise. She also supports the Green New Deal, a supposed climate-change measure that would be disastrous to our nation's economy and our standard of living.

Kamala Harris is a leopard that isn't changing her spots. Not that much. And not to our benefit. What's more, American oil and gas company leaders know this and are speaking out on the matter.

What's more, a lot of these energy companies are surprisingly small businesses.

"Some nights it's hard to fall asleep," lawyer-turned-Cameron Energy founder Arthur Stewart told Fox News Digital. "We have 55 employees. The pressures of worrying about the paycheck every two weeks are enormous. We're suffering with inflation just like everybody else, and it's a business killer. There's just no other way to say it. And so the worries we have about this election are unbelievable."

"We work hard so that everybody around us can have an affordable, modern life-supporting energy that's domestically produced and safely," Cameron’s environmental care coordinator Tyler Martin also said.

A company with 55 employees, we hasten to note, lacks the resilience of an Exxon. They can't withstand four years of disastrously clueless energy policy; the election of a Harris/Walz ticket will cost, not create, jobs in the energy sector. That ticket will also cause more, not less, environmental damage from energy production. Domestically produced energy, it's important to note, is not only better for the US from a price standpoint and an energy security standpoint, but it's also even better for the environment; American production is much cleaner than that of almost any other energy-producing nation:

"We have the cleanest streams in our area. In the United States, within our borders, we can produce energy cleaner than they can in other countries. And if you're an environmentalist, that should be important," Martin continued. "We should produce it here."

That's the part that the climate and environmentalist cabals always miss— or just ignore. American energy production is much cleaner than, say, China's — but the watermelons on the left, those who almost certainly are influencing Kamala Harris's energy policies, such as they are, intend to see energy production and use vastly reduced. That would be disastrous on a wide range of fronts, ranging from national security to our standard of living.

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And there can be no doubt that it is climate concerns, not energy independence, that is the Harris/Walz campaign's priority.

Democratic nominee Harris has proposed an "opportunity economy." On her campaign website under the "Issues" tab, the economy is seemingly her top priority, but any oil and gas-related policies are found in the tenth and last subsection.

She will reportedly "tackle the climate crisis as she builds on this historic work, advance environmental justice, protect public lands and public health, increase resilience to climate disasters, lower household energy costs, create millions of new jobs, and continue to hold polluters accountable to secure clean air and water for all."

These things are, of course, contradictory. It's unclear just what "environmental justice" is, other than a buzzword to appeal to the far-left climate nutters; but one cannot lower household energy costs without increasing the supply, just as one cannot create millions of new jobs with "green energy" plans based on wishes, promises and unicorn farts. Donald Trump's energy policy proposals are quite different, according to Arthur Stewart:

On Trump’s campaign website, within his publicly listed platform stances, his first priority is to "defeat inflation and quickly bring down all prices." The first step to that, his campaign writes, is to unleash American energy by "lifting restrictions on American energy production, terminating the Socialist Green New Deal, unleashing energy production from all sources, including nuclear, to immediately slash inflation."

"That's a statement by a man who's in business and understands that energy is in everything, and we need all forms of energy. We shouldn't do away with nuclear. We shouldn't do away with wind or solar. We should respect and understand what their role is," Stewart said. "Sixty-six percent of our electricity around the world still comes from fossil fuels. So it's not something that we can just wipe our hands and think we're going to do away with it."

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz simply cannot be trusted with energy policy. They will, current denials aside, go all-in on Green New Deal climate nuttery. They will be a disaster for the American energy sector, just as the Biden/Harris administration has been. America simply can't afford any more of this.


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