
Your Tax Dollars at Work: Judge Orders IN to Pay for Convicted Murderer's 'Gender-Affirming' Surgery


If you haven't yet seen anything today to make you angry, well, just read on, because this is a doozy.

Those of us who care about the constitutionally defined and limited roles of government, taxation, and government waste and spending, are routinely amazed at some of the ridiculous things the various levels of government spend our money on. And, yes, it is our money, taken from us through the threat of legal action, even force; if you don't believe that, try not paying your taxes for a while and see how long it takes the government to send men with guns out, looking for you.

But now a case from Indiana provides a fresh outrage because this time, it's a judge ordering the state of Indiana to provide "gender-affirming" care to a prison inmate. And not just any prison inmate; this one is in the crowbars for the murder of an 11-month-old infant.

A federal judge has ordered the Indiana Department of Correction to provide a transgender inmate with gender-affirming surgery.

The judge’s ruling found that a law banning such care likely violates the U.S. Constitution’s Eighth Amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

Autumn Cordellioné has been incarcerated since 2002. She was diagnosed with gender dysphoria in 2020 and applied repeatedly to the IDOC for gender-affirming surgery.

Gender-affirming care is health care that encompasses mental, social, medicinal and surgical care designed to treat gender dysphoria. And gender dysphoria is a clinically significant distress experienced by people whose gender assigned at birth and gender identity don’t match — though not all transgender people experience gender dysphoria.

Can you guess who filed the lawsuit? Go ahead, I'll wait right here. Did you guess right? Yes, the ACLU.

The ACLU of Indiana, on behalf of Cordellioné, sued the state shortly after a 2023 ban on such surgeries took effect.

Judge Richard Young finds that law, HEA 1569, is likely unconstitutional. In his ruling, he said that Cordellioné has a history of suicide attempts and has tried self-surgery to remove her genitals. And he said there’s widespread medical consensus that providing gender-affirming surgery is a safe, therapeutic and effective way to treat such gender dysphoria.

This isn't the first time Cordellioné has made the news for ridiculous lawsuits. This nutbar also claims to be a Muslim - and other things, as needs suit. This guy has more faces than a Cecil B. DeMille film.

Autumn Cordellionè, also known as Jonathan C. Richardson, is serving her sentence at the all-male state prison Branchville Correctional Facility, where she is confined to only hearing [sic] her hijab in her immediate sleeping quarters, according to a civil lawsuit filed in November.

The chaplain allegedly delivered the news in May 2023, even after Cordellionè claimed to have already relented to prison protocol by wearing the Muslim headwear in a less traditional manner to adhere to safety concerns.

“[I] was told that male Muslims could wear their kufis everywhere they went, but I couldn’t wear my hijab a females religious head ware (sic) because I was a male residing in a male institution even though I am a transgender woman, except in my bed area,” Cordellionè alleged in the complaint.

Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs would appear to be the operating term here - but maybe not. Maybe he's just playing all the possible angles just to mess with people. Here's what makes this particularly egregious:

Warning: Quote contains coarse language.

Cordellionè was convicted in 2001 of reckless homicide for strangling her 11-month-old stepdaughter to death.

While awaiting trial, she told a corrections officer: “Well, all I know is I killed the little f**king b***h.”

This is the person who will now be receiving "gender-affirming care" at taxpayer expense. It's hard to wrap your head around just how mind-bogglingly stupid this is. People in prison are supposed to be being punished, is that not so? Why, then, are the taxpayers of the state of Indiana now on the hook for expensive, invasive transgender surgeries for a face-tattooed nut who on the one hand claims to be a Muslim woman while on the other hand claims to be transgender - a status that, by the way, does not draw a lot of support in the majority-Muslim regions of the world - and who murdered his infant stepdaughter and was unrepentant about it?

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This is another case where I think we need to dispense with the polite acknowledgment of this nut's "transgender" status. I'm fairly certain this convict is working some kind of angle by pretending to be a member of one of the modern left's "protected" classes - first, a Muslim, then a "transgender woman." This is a man named Jonathan Richardson, the convicted murderer of an 11-month-old infant - an act so heinous as to be utterly inconceivable to the vast majority of the population.

But that pales next to the irresponsible judge who ordered the taxpayers of Indiana to pick up the tab for surgery for this killer. Why? How is denying completely elective surgery to a perfectly healthy individual "cruel and unusual"? Especially when that person is in prison for murdering a baby?

There is, as of this writing, no word yet as to whether the state of Indiana will appeal this ruling. They should. This is way past ridiculous.


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