
Even Liberal Women Prefer Manly (Conservative) Men

The state of good gun leather, 1888. (Credit: Library of Congress/public domain/Wikimedia Commons)

Women prefer real men. By that, I mean women prefer real conservative/libertarian men, an important distinction; here's why and I'm going to tell you. As an illustration, one needs to look no further than the recent Democratic National Convention (DNC) and the legions of pasty soy boys that peopled that infamous event. 

We all saw them - thin, noodly-armed creatures that appeared never to have been within shouting distance of testosterone. These... people couldn't change a tire, skin a deer, or split and stack a cord of firewood. If you asked them to do anything, they'd probably be too worried about chipping the clear coat on their fingernails. We saw them at the DNC, we see them online, we see them at liberal and "progressive" events, running around apologizing for being men - to which I would reply, "Don't worry, Sparky, you're not a man."

What's more, just look at the "men" who have come to the forefront among Democrats now. Tim Walz, who rode the Minnesota National Guard train until it came time to step up, to lead his troops into harm's way, at which point he bailed? "Pothole Pete" Buttigieg, who wasn't competent as the mayor of a small Midwestern city and has utterly failed as Transportation secretary? Examples abound through recent history, from Michael Dukakis looking ridiculous in a tank to John Kerry looking ridiculous at the counter of a sporting goods store, with the fake-folksy "Can I get a hunting license here?"

And as far as women favoring men who can do manly things, well, now a "dating guru," Steve Santagati, has done some homework.

Steve Santagati, who penned the 2008 book, "The Manual: A True Bad Boy Explains How Men Think, Date, and Mate--and What Women Can Do to Come Out on Top," said many liberal women can’t find what they’re looking for among men who they agree with politically.

"It's not that women like, quote unquote ‘conservative men,’ they just don't like liberals, and they don't like men that are not real men," Santagati told Fox News Digital

"Any liberal woman who's with a liberal man, chances are she hates him, she resents him," Santagati continued. "Women want to be with a man that they can trust that they feel safe with. And the bottom line is conservative men have these qualities over liberals by a landslide."

If you'd asked me, I could've told you.

A lot of this is due to capability. Few women would be attracted to a guy who can't change a tire or fix a leaky faucet. Some of us grew up with great role models in this respect; my Old Man was one of these capable men. There was nothing that could break that Dad couldn't fix, even if a busted part on the farm wagon he and his brother had built from a Model A Ford frame in the 1930s couldn't be replaced, Dad would dig out some scrap iron, fire up his blowtorch and welder, and fabricate a replacement. 

But there's more to it than just capability, although that's important.

See Related: Corey Comperatore, Hero: As a Man Does

Hold My Beer! Manly Men Proving Manliness May Live Shorter Lives 

I think it all boils down to purpose. There is nothing as detestable as a man with no purpose. And yet Western society today seems to be churning out young men with no sense of purpose, in great carload lots. Many of those young people are showing up at events like the DNC. Their only purpose seems to be advocating for the rest of us to surrender our free will to Almighty Government, and to convince us to apologize for being men. 

No, to both.

But consider this: As I’ve said repeatedly, I think we are entering the last phase of this cycle:

  1. Hard times make tough people.
  2. Tough people make good times.
  3. Good times make weak people.
  4. Weak people make hard times. (You are here.)

The manly man, the man with a purpose, may not be gone – just on hold, among us, waiting to return to the fore. Because when we circle to the first phase, we’ll need tough people. Indeed, the tough people may be the only ones that survive the final phase. And, at some basic, biological level, women seek men out who have a purpose - and who will make it through any upcoming hard times.

Just to add some egregious toxic masculinity, here’s some prose from an old, dead white guy. 

What a piece of work is a man. How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty. In form and moving how express and admirable. In action how like an Angel, In apprehension how like a god.” (Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2.)

That's the kind of men women look for - I have it on good authority, as I went and asked my wife, who confirmed that this is true. So, yes, even liberal women prefer capable, masculine men - men who can do manly things, who practice the manly arts. That may seem surprising to some, but it isn't. It would be much more surprising if the converse was true. And it's good that this is so - let the weak soy boys fade into genetic irrelevancy. Frankly, we don't need them.


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