Crisis at the Border: Under Biden, at Least 99 Illegals on Terror Watch List Released Into United States

AP Photo/Eugene Garcia, File

One wonders, if a presidential administration was deliberately trying to destabilize the United States and bring about a serious terror attack on the American people - say, an Oct 7th-style attack scaled up to American size - what, precisely, they would do differently than what the Biden administration has been doing since 2021. Now Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin informs us that nearly a hundred people on the terror watch list have been apprehended at the United States border - and released into the country.


Ninety-nine - that they know of. How many more have slipped across the border undetected? Where are those people now?

Mr. Melugin notes:

Additionally, DHS data provided to the Committee reveals terror watchlist aliens from at least 36 different countries have been apprehended at the southern border under the Biden/Harris admin, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Yemen. (This is info CBP refused to turn over to me via FOIA request this year, citing privacy concerns and "minimal public interest".)

In other parts of the world, unchecked, unfettered, and largely unscreened migration is already leading to trouble.

See Related: SHOCKER: Biden/Harris Illegal Immigrant Flight Program Paused After Report Finds 'Significant' Fraud 

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Bill Melugin has more information:


Read all of it, but here's a taste:

So far during fiscal year 2024, Border Patrol has encountered tens of thousands of illegal aliens nationwide that could present national security risks, including 2,134 Afghan nationals, 33,347 Chinese nationals, 541 Iranian nationals, 520 Syrian nationals, and 3,104 Uzbek nationals.

It's a safe bet that a significant portion of those people aren't here to play patty cake.

Crimes committed by illegal aliens have become a national issue. The costs these waves of illegal immigrants are incurring on American taxpayers have also become a national concern - especially since some cities are housing illegal immigrants in nice hotels while Americans struggle to pay their rents and mortgages. 

But this is a different issue entirely. The number of illegal immigrants from hostile nations is telling; even leaving China off the list and focusing solely on people coming from Islamic theocracies, we are talking about 6,299 people in 2024 alone that we know of who have entered the United States illegally from nations we know are hostile to the United States.

There is a very real, very dangerous chance that we are setting ourselves up for an October 7th-style attack here in the United States. An attack that will be scaled up to an American level, an attack that may kill tens of thousands. Such an attack would not only hit soft targets, as Hamas did in Israel last year, but very likely political targets as well; imagine, for instance, that a trained Iranian sniper/spotter team were to attempt what a 20-year-old nut tried to do to former President Donald Trump in July. The outcome would be very different, and catastrophic if multiple targets were hit.


There are too many people in the country illegally, from too many places that are unfriendly to America and Americans. And we should never stop pointing out that we have very little idea who many of these people are, why they are here, where they are going, or what they intend to do when they get there.

That should be - must be - the primary topic of this year's presidential election.


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