As AG, Kamala Harris Helped an Illegal Alien Become the First 'Undocumented' Licensed Attorney in the US

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

I'm not an attorney, nor do I play one on television, but as I understand it, an attorney, as someone who has passed their bar exam and is admitted to practice law, is an officer of the court. As such, it seems to me that their own legal status should be above reproach. And, yes, I know, that thought leaves one open for every lawyer joke ever thought of, but even so. 


So it's a little baffling that Kamala Harris helped a person who is in the country illegally to become a practicing attorney. Here's where this saga begins:

For most of his life, Sergio Covarrubias Garcia tried his best to avoid interactions with law enforcement. 

As a 17–year–old, Garcia prayed police wouldn’t stop the Chevy truck used to smuggle him and other undocumented men across the border. His nerves only continued. Garcia longed for officers to look away each time he drove to work or school.

He should have been nervous. He was in the country illegally. He was smuggled in. He entered illegally and remained illegally. His very first act in the territory of the United States of America was to break the law, making him, by definition, a criminal.

Here's the onion:

Despite his efforts, Garcia attracted the attention of California’s top law enforcement officer — then-Attorney General and now-presidential candidate Kamala Harris — in 2012. At the time, Garcia was enduring a yearslong and publicized struggle to become the first licensed undocumented attorney in the nation. 

To Garcia’s surprise, Harris came out in support. She went on to submit a written brief backing his legal case and even provided a lawyer from her office to argue for him in front of the state Supreme Court. 

“To know that the ‘top cop’ in California did not hate me for being undocumented, and was supporting me and wanting me to achieve my dream,” Garcia, 47, said. “That was huge.”


This is, of course, because Kamala Harris - at that time the Attorney General of the state of California, the state's top law-enforcement officer, cared not a jot that Garcia was in the country illegally, that his very entry into the nation was a crime, and that every day he remained in the country illegally was a violation of immigration law. Indeed, she denied the very concept. Hence the first layer of this onion; is that Kamala Harris tacitly supported someone who was a) in the country illegally, and b) was seeking to become an officer of the court while being in the country illegally. The second layer of this onion was that Garcia was applying for, and expected to receive, a visa - which should never have been issued without his being deported back to his country of origin and being required to go through the legal process to re-enter.

Here's the innermost and stinkiest layer of this onion:

“It is not a crime either to be present or to work in the United States without immigration status, and Garcia has never been charged with the crime of unlawful entry,” Harris’ office wrote. “In fact, Garcia has been forthright about his immigration status with federal officials and has been approved for a visa when one becomes available.”

Look at this statement from the office of a person who is supposedly in charge of law enforcement: "It is not a crime either to be present or to work in the United States without immigration status..." Yes, it is, by definition, a crime.


Now granted, it's a federal problem that Garcia was "...never charged with the crime of unlawful entry." California is not responsible for enforcing immigration law, although many California jurisdictions at that time had the bad habit of stymieing immigration authorities at every opportunity (and since 2017 it's been against the law for any governmental entity in California to cooperate with federal immigration officers except in very narrowly-defined instances). But this attitude is intolerable, even though it's a common one among the left; they deny that a person, whose literal first act when stepping across our border is to break the law, is a criminal.

RELATED: California's "Sanctuary State" Bill Passes Committee, Plays into Trump's Hands

Sergio Garcia, granted, isn't a drug dealer; he isn't a rapist or murderer, and if he had come to the country legally, may well be an upstanding citizen. But we are either a nation of laws or we are not, and where the left and Kamala Harris are concerned, when it comes to immigration the law can just be ignored or worse, denied. Garcia should have been deported and required to follow the legal process, and that's a fact.

This is a preview of a possible Kamala Harris presidency; ignoring the law, denying it exists whenever it suits. She is on record: While she was AG in California, that state started offering driver's licenses to illegal aliens - in effect a state-issued identification that makes it vastly easier to remain in the country illegally. She was anointed as the "Border Czar (Czarina?) which the Harris campaign and national Democrats have denied ever since - although there was ample documentation at the time - and she did nothing whatsoever to get the oozing sore that is our southern border under control.


This is just one more of many reasons the republic cannot afford a Kamala Harris presidency.


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