Kamala Harris Is Trying Out Campaign Slogans - and We Have Some Suggestions

Townhall Media

A good campaign slogan can yield some impressive results. A slogan should be pithy, catchy, easy to remember, and present a vivid image, like "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too," "Keep Cool and Keep Coolidge," "Give 'em Hell, Harry," "I Like Ike," "It's Morning Again in America" and, yes, "Make America Great Again."


Kamala Harris, now, is desperately seeking a pithy, catchy, easier-to-remember, and vivid slogan of her own. Here are the four she's experimenting with.

Harris’s 2024 campaign has tossed around a few options through graphics or ending statements in her speeches. Here are four of those slogans.

We are not going back

The early front-runner for Harris’s main slogan appears to be “We are not going back,” a phrase she uttered in reference to Trump’s proposed policies and the Project 2025 proposal from the conservative Heritage Foundation — which Trump has distanced himself from.

This might be accurate, at least, if not exactly a winner. Should Kamala Harris win the election as president, we certainly won't be going back — we won't be going back to cheap gasoline, affordable housing, low inflation, low taxes, and, well, prosperity.

Here's another: 

Another option for Harris’s campaign slogan is “When we fight, we win,” which she has said in speeches but also uttered in her first campaign video as she moves to the top of the Democratic Party’s ticket.

In the video released Thursday, Harris said her campaign is about “freedom” with Beyonce’s song “Freedom” playing in the background. Her narration ends with the slogan.


This one would be a major embarrassment if — when — Kamala Harris loses.

Two similar phrases, which have both been floated as a slogan, are featured on Harris’s X account header and her campaign website.

On Harris’s X banner, the stylized phrase “Let’s WIN this” is used, while the landing page of her website shows the phrase “Together we can win this!”

This seems a lot like a variation on "When we fight, we win," and the same caveat applies. But more to the point, well, it's a little flat. It's certainly not up there with "Give 'em Hell, Harry" or "I Like Ike."


A possible slogan that has not been featured as prominently as the other phrases but was used as an ending statement at one of Harris’s speeches earlier this week is “We are not playing around.”

During a speech Wednesday, Harris stated the phrase at the end of discussing abortion and the 2022 overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Yeah, the thing here is, that Kamala Harris is a fundamentally unserious person. There's no reason to take her candidacy as anything but playing around. Should she be elected, there are some issues she'll push, and those may, in time, become serious — in the wrong direction — but as of right now, no, she's not a serious person.


See Related: After Promoting Fiery 2020 Protests, Harris Condemns Vandalism, Hamas Support, and Flag Burning 

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As should come as a surprise to no one, I have some suggestions for the Harris campaign.

"Things Aren't As Bad As They Seem."

"Who Are You Going to Believe? Me or Your Lying Grocery Bill?"

"$6 per Gallon Gas Is Your Duty to The Environment!"

"You're Probably Eating Too Much Red Meat, Anyway."

"Make Pitcairn Island a State!"

"Prosperity is Overrated!"

Have you any ideas of your own? The comments are yours!


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