Fauci Finds an Acorn: Speculates on Trump's Assassination Attempt Injury

Townhall Media

Dr. Anthony Fauci may well go down in history as one of the villains of the COVID-19 debacle, but even the blindest of squirrels finds the occasional acorn. 


On Friday, while talking with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, the architect of the COVID lockdowns speculated as to the extent of the injuries suffered by former President Trump in the failed assassination attempt.

Former White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci denounced questions around former President Trump’s health following the failed assassination attempt a week ago, noting he was suffering from a “superficial wound.”

“I don’t think there is much more to it,” he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Friday, after watching clips of Trump speaking about his ear, which was grazed by a bullet during the shooting in Pennsylvania. “I mean, from what we’ve seen and what we’ve heard, it was … a bullet shot that grazed his ear and injured his ear.”

Fauci said that according to the physicians who examined the former president, there was no further damage.

While Dr. Fauci is belaboring the obvious - all of this was already apparent to anyone who has seen Donald Trump after the attempt, including his appearances at the Republican National Convention - he's not wrong.

He went on, still belaboring the obvious, in saying:

Fauci, who served under both the Trump and Biden administrations, added that he thinks the former president is “in the clear” related to the “bullet itself.”

“As far as I can see, I mean, it’s dangerous to make diagnoses from a distance. From what I’m seeing, the way he’s acting now and what his physicians report saw, it seems to have been a superficial wound to the ear and that’s all,” Fauci said in comments, highlighted by Mediaite.


Yes, it's dangerous to make diagnoses from a distance, but really, this is kind of an obvious observation, and it's unclear why this was brought up in this conversation - other than that this is a pretty gobsmackingly major event, and one would suppose that Blitzer, having a man who is supposedly some sort of medical authority on his show, might want to ask his opinion.

But Dr. Fauci's medical credibility ain't what it might be.

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An injury like that suffered by former President Trump shouldn't have any lasting effect. Assuming that the AR-pattern rifle used by Thomas Crooks was a 5.56mm piece, which most of them are, and assuming that the shot fired one of the most common rounds for that cartridge - a 55-grain full metal jacket (FMJ) bullet or a 62-grain FMJ - while this is a high-velocity round, the bullet encountering a structure as thin and non-resistant as an ear would almost certainly just punch a hole, rather like a hole punch in a ream of paper. 


Ears are, of course, very vascular, and any injury to the ear will bleed a lot. Anyone who has ever nicked an earlobe shaving will attest to this. Therefore, the amount of blood on Trump's head and face at the moment of the event.

Dr. Fauci's speculation on the nature of the former President's injury may be correct, but it's also obvious to anyone with even rudimentary medical expertise. And, his being correct on this, in no way negates the damage he did to the nation's economy and our children's educations during the COVID mess.


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