
Sanity Prevails: American College of Pediatricians Calls on Medical Orgs. to Cease Transitioning Kids

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

There's a reason we don't allow children to do certain things, and that is simply because they lack the maturity and perspective to make some decisions rationally. This goes back as far as Western civilization; even the ancient Romans made a boy attain a certain age before he could take on the role of a man.

We don't let children sign contracts, for example. We don't let them join the military (although they can join at 17 with parental approval, last I checked). We don't let them buy guns. We don't let them vote. We don't even let them buy a beer.

So why people think kids should be allowed to make irreversible, life-changing decisions involving hormone treatments and surgery is utterly baffling and wrong. Fortunately, the American College of Pediatricians agrees and has put out a statement to that effect:

The group, as part of a coalition of healthcare professionals, has formed a group called Doctors Protecting Children, and DPC explained its statement in a press conference on Thursday.


It's about time. 

André Van Mol, MD, a family physician, spoke eloquently on the topic:

Briefly, gender dysphoria is a diagnosis whereas transgenderism is an ideology. The natural course of gender dysphoria is desisitence by adulthood, conservatively, in 85 percent of the cases, unless it is affirmed. Gender dysphoria carries with it the overwhelming probability of underlying mental health issues, adverse family dynamics, adverse childhood experiences, and autism spectrum disorder that usually predate the gender dysphoria itself. The probabillty of both desistence and underlying mental health and other issues is why watchful waiting, coupled with mental health evaluation and counseling for both patient and family, was once and is increasingly again recognized as the standard of care for minors with gender dysphoria.

But here's where literature reviews and actual research come in; Dr. Van Mol continues:

Systematic literature reviews done in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Finland, and Germany show that so-called gender-affirming healthcare is out of step with the evidence base for gender dysphoric youth. Transition affirmation is not proven to be safe or effective long-term. It does not reduce suicides. It does not repair mental health issues or trauma. Minors cannot give truly informed consent.

See Related: United Kingdom Reverses Course on 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children

The last part is interesting, as it's accepted by virtually everyone, across the political spectrum, where things like voting are concerned. But for some reason, the more radical "transgender" activists seem OK with allowing kids to make these decisions. It's a tad baffling why they seem to object so strenuously to just making these kids wait until they attain their majority before making these life-changing decisions.

But then, they are also OK with continuing the hideously unfair practice of allowing men to compete in women's sports.

See Related: Alliance Defending Freedom Files Lawsuit Against Biden Admin After Male Defeats Female Athletes 700 Times 

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It's about time some medical professionals came out against what can only be described as child abuse.

These physicians, inexplicably, seem to be facing an uphill battle. In some circles, it seems that having a "transgender kid" is a status symbol. Some lunatics even claim to have "transgender toddlers." This has to stop. This is not the delivery of healthcare; it's affirming and supporting a mental illness. It is, in the long term, harmful to these children.

Adults, of course, are free to do as they please, no matter how nutty. If an adult wants to "identify" as an armadillo and have fiberglass plates surgically attached to their backs and a tail grafted on, they may as well knock themselves out -  and good luck to them finding a job anywhere that wants employees who are, well, sane. But children cannot make these decisions; responsible adults will not allow them to make irreversible, life-changing decisions. Responsible adults protect children; they don't allow them to be sterilized or surgically mutilated. These practices are not health care; they are child abuse.

Maybe these physicians are the start of a trend. Maybe some sanity will return to this whole issue. At least some healthcare professionals are speaking out, and we can hope they are joined by more professionals as the discussion continues.


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