
Fighting Fire With Humor: The Daily Wire and 'Lady Ballers.'

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

Why fight fire with fire when you can fight it with humor? That's something the normally humorless left doesn't understand, but some folks on the right are starting to get it. Most recently, the Daily Wire released their satirical film Lady Ballers, which looks like a real piece of guffaw-inducing work.

The movie's web page carries this description:

In a world where women’s sports is being trans-formed, The Daily Wire calls foul with the most triggering comedy of the year. A once-great coach is on a hilarious journey back to victory by reuniting his former high school championship basketball team, but this time, he’s challenging them to play like girls.

The trailer clearly shows that Lady Ballers pulls no punches in its depiction of the whole "transgender women's athlete" issue. Clips from the film are vivid, including, at one point, a woman wrestler getting roughly manhandled by a much larger "woman-identifying" opponent. There are some significant cameos from the likes of Ted Cruz, Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klavan, Riley Gaines, and presumably some other sportsball figures I wouldn't recognize. Oh, and the mocked-up magazine cover, showing Joe Biden creepily sniffing the hair of one of the Lady Ballers athletes — priceless, as is the "two dangling cherries" logo. The film is humorous but not subtle.

Humor is great; if you've read any of my work here, you're familiar with my penchant for punnery. But in this case, The Daily Wire is using humor to poke fun at an indefensible and grave issue, that being the stark unfairness of allowing mentally ill (or perhaps just cynical and opportunistic) men to compete on women's sporting teams. This is causing women not only loss of scholarships and other opportunities, but it's also resulting in injury when women are confronted on the court or field by larger, stronger, heavier, and faster opponents.

What's more, some of these "transgender women" athletes are just outright in-your-face about it; it's not fair, it's obviously wrong, and they just don't give a crap. They're taking cynical advantage of the situation and don't care who knows it. I could cite examples, like the fraud "Lia" Thomas, who is almost certainly taking unfair advantage for personal gain.

And the transgender activists don't get why people don't like them. Go figure.

This is an issue that isn't going away anytime soon (sadly), but let's hope The Daily Wire and other conservative and libertarian outlets pick up on the trend. We're already seeing other people use humor to skewer the Left; Elon Musk has shown a talent for it, amid a war against the innocent instigated by Bronze-Age barbarians, even Israel has shown a propensity for ridiculing their foes and those in the legacy media who run interference for them. And we can't forget the masters, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, who set the standard for political and social satire a couple of decades ago with South Park and who are still going strong.

Why is humor so effective? In his famous work, Stranger in a Strange Land, science fiction author Robert Heinlein wrote of a man raised from birth on Mars by beings that had not encountered the concept of humor; it took Valentine Michael Smith some time on Earth among humans before he could "grok" laughter:

I've found out why people laugh. They laugh because it hurts so much… because it's the only thing that'll make it stop hurting.

That's the value of laughter. We laugh at the ridiculous, at the absurd, and even at the horrendous and morbid. We laugh because it hurts, and the laughter makes it stop hurting. It puts the absurd in the proper perspective, as things worthy of ridicule, and helps us deal with the horrendous and morbid. We laugh because we're human, and laughter is one of the better parts of our legacy.

So, props to The Daily Wire, and may this be the first in a long series of humorous films carving steaks out of the left's sacred cows.


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