First off, I want to take a moment and thank every one of you who is taking the time to read this for being a Townhall/RedState VIP subscriber. I know you are reading this right now at RedState but anyone who is a VIP gold member can access all of the Townhall family of sites. We are very, very thankful that you are here.
The United States of America is an experiment that has been messy since the ideas of its conception were first debated in 1776, and every day since we won our independence from Great Britain. The freedom that was fought for during that period was paid for with a heavy price for future Americans, by patriots who were born under the English crown, and decided that they needed to form a path and create their future in a direction different from our rulers overseas.
I bring this up to every one of you fine folks during the season those of us who are Christians are observing right now during Lent; It's the time leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his resurrection. Now, I'm a Christian myself but you don't need to be yourself. You can sit here and still take a moment to read all the things I'm going to mention here. I think you can appreciate the opportunity to deal with the concept of freedom--and for you to decide which path you want to go on--no matter your deity, belief, or lack thereof.
This meshes nicely with what our forefathers did almost 249-odd years ago, to allow us the opportunity to sink or swim on our own as a people and nation.
Many people have spoken much more eloquently than I could ever dream of doing about the soul of a nation, and I wholeheartedly believe in that concept.
Some of my friends who may not be Christians, or are possibly agnostic and/or atheist, might break it down to the vibe or the feeling of the country. No matter what terminology we use, we know that over the past four years, this country has taken several hard hits. You could probably extend that back decades, if you wanted to break it down even more.
Yet for the first time in my adult life, there seems to be an opportunity to change the direction of the United States of America in a way that has not been seen since the foundation of the country--or possibly the Civil War to eliminate slavery.
I wrote a piece earlier on Saturday about President Ronald Reagan and his dream of a smaller government possibly becoming a reality, almost 40 years after he first took the oath of office. Reagan wanted to end the Department of Education right after Jimmy Carter created it.
From my post...
My colleague Teri Christoph penned this piece the other day, going into what EXACTLY is going to happen (Trump Just Neutered the Department of Education, but That Doesn't Mean It's Going Away).
From her post...
President Trump took a big first step in making conservatives' dreams come true Thursday by signing an executive order (EO) effectively dismantling the Department of Education, and returning federal budgets and decision-making back to where they always should have been: with state and local officials.
There are a multitude of reasons why Trump's actions fill us with joy, but we're happiest for our kids, who have fallen further and further behind despite gobs of taxpayer money being spent on them. We're also pretty darn thrilled that Trump stuck it to the teachers' unions, who have really enjoyed their decades-long stranglehold on the department that was essentially a gift to them from Jimmy Carter. It was a disaster from the get-go, as are most things run by Democrats, and this comeuppance was a long time coming.
Teri is a bit too young to recall the 40th President of the United States, who changed the landscape of American politics at the time, but could only dream of what Trump is doing here. He spoke of getting rid of the Department of Education, back in the 1980 election and before. Reagan, in that linked video, says exactly what he would like to do to the Department of (mis) Education; but once again, he never had the votes in the House and was never able to attempt it.
One thing that people admire about President Trump is that although he had been defeated, he still decided to run again, particularly after an attempt on his life, with an assassin's bullet striking him in the ear. Trump has put together a team that is currently running at breakneck speed to get as much done as possible in the next two years.
I think that we have to help, and there is a way that all of us can do that, every day leading up to the midterm elections. Find articles and stories--as you can right here at RedState--that are based on evidence with verifiable links, which show the Democrats acting badly. Share that information with as many people as possible, to make sure that nobody forgets some of the nonsense that we went through the past 5 years since COVID-19.
Thankfully, there is no shortage of stories. But we have to make an effort to be sure that the fact shared in the stories are correct, and that we share them with people who maybe aren't political junkies like we are.
Like this story, where I ask: Why did a self-proclaimed, moderate Democrat who has been to space not give a thumbs-up to the group of people at Space X for bringing two stranded Americans home, after the president of his party left them up there for political purposes? I’m Wondering Why Former NASA Astronaut, Sen. Kelly Didn't Praise SpaceX for Rescuing Stranded Astronauts
Seems selfish for a moderate-anything.
This is one article I won't forget, being I was a caregiver for my Mom. I was terrified that she would get COVID, and would be put in a Whitmer lockdown facility and die alone.
It was personal to me because of the dread I felt of possibly contracting COVID, and giving it to a parent who depended on me staying healthy for both of us. Remember When Gretchen Whitmer Issued All Her Misguided COVID Orders Five Years Ago? Some Michiganians Do
From that article...
Once again, why does this matter today?
Well, it's never good when elected officials are pulling the wool over your eyes and issuing executive orders telling people what they can do when they go outside and if they have to wear a mask. Also, people who are in nursing homes are by and large the elderly and are our parents and grandparents, and we should be treating them with the utmost respect. Those were lessons that were painful to learn, and we should work to make sure we never go back in that direction.
Also, who can forget her rationale on what businesses could stay open or close? Whitmer Says Casinos and Bowling Alleys Can Open but Not Indoor Dining.
Even though Governor Gretchen Whitmer was a disaster, she was reelected in 2022; the state has limped along ever since.
So from now until the midterm elections, share your favorite posts or videos, and make sure that much information gets out--if not on Facebook then on X, where Elon Musk spent billions of his own money to make sure that the platform is much freer than it once was.
All of us have a role to play and currently, we should be making sure that the Democrats' lunacy of biological men playing in biological women's sports or any other topic that the party of nimrods supports is constantly and factually reinforced as much as possible.
The new American Revolution is digitalized, and it is easier than ever to be engaged. You need to take time to make sure that what you are engaging with is truthful, but it is our duty as American citizens to stop nonsensical policies.
America was founded by people who believed in the principles of the rights given to us by our creator. We have a responsibility to continue that tradition; let's help those who are trying to do the right thing, and the current Administration, to get the word out on the lunacy that progressives on the left are trying to do.
That is the greatest tribute to the Americans who came before us, who sacrificed mightily and handed us the greatest experiment on the Big Blue Marble called Earth.
Thank the Lord for it!!!