Elon Musk Joins Dave Portnoy on the Andrew Breitbart-Citizen Journalism Bandwagon

Haraz N. Ghanbari

Even though the man has been gone for over a decade, Andrew Breitbart is still influencing people on social media tactics in ways that I think he would have never imagined, Every time I see somebody with a large platform encourage people to whip out a phone and record any event, it takes me back to a video of Andrew saying the exact same thing waving his phone to the crowd proclaiming you are citizen journalist now.


If you recall just last week Dave Portnoy of Barstool Sports absolutely mauled a Washington repost reporter for trying to set him up for a hit job piece that they wanted to run on his pizza fest event in New York. 

I covered that here and these are some excerpts from that article.

Dave Portnoy Pulled the Greatest Public Shaming Since Andrew Breitbart Roasted Anthony Weiner

Here is another one of those times when I can sit gleefully by and not give a flying hoot in hell about the politics of Dave Portnoy or anyone who can pull off a maneuver like Dave has here. 

As I said in my show above, this is simply a TEDTalk or an 'Andrew Breitbart lobby in a bar' class, that was put on here and it is magnificent. You do NOT allow the media to set the ground rules for "journalism" when the method they use lacks common sense and involves waiting until the last minute to talk with the feature of the post to set them up. In just under a 12-minute video post, Portnoy shows everyone how it is done with a calm and cool demeanor and anyone in media should take copious notes on how to do this at the drop of a hat.

Dave Portnoy handled this situation in just about the best way one could. 

He didn't sit on his hiney after he was tipped off the Post was working on a hit piece. He called up the reporter and politely asked her what was the point of sending loaded questions, making him sound like a villain to sponsors of their Pizza Celebration. As you can hear in the audio I posted above in my previous piece, the reporter was not prepared to face off with the subject of her soon-to-be-published piece in this manner.


I also played some of the videos of what Portnoy did and talked about it on my podcast version of my Radio show in Ann Arbor Michigan on WAAM 1600 A.M and 92.7 F.M.

LISTEN: Duke Over America - 'Dave Portnoy DESTROYS the Washington Post' Edition

Now we have another person who has jumped into the fray, Elon Musk, owner of the platform formally called Twitter, is now encouraging people to become citizen journalists and post on his free speech platform which is now called X. He just posted this the other day.

I could not agree more.

What both of these people's actions have in common is that they are picking up from the playbook that Andrew Breitbart created. 

Andrew was just not the founder of Breitbart News but was also somebody who loved to jump into the muck of the biased leftist journalist antics that he had witnessed and at one point, had agreed with for so many years before he realized it was wrong. This is what made him absolutely invaluable to a whole generation of people who got involved in politics particularly after the Tea Party Movement began. 

Breitbart understood their tactics and he turned it against them brilliantly.

Any video with him in it is absolutely worth taking a moment to watch and in the video linked below is a moment where he absolutely shined, taking on a crowd of people while somebody was filming most likely with a cell phone. Breitbart absolutely stared down a senseless mob and got them to turn away from him because he was making sense and calling them out for their nonsense.


I love how he absolutely destroyed the old fella by telling him that

Truth is a Trap.

Breitbart absolutely understood that leftists would pay people and bus them to an area and that they didn't know what they were protesting about. All they were told was the event they were going to be bad and he single-handedly with a laser-like focus was able to bust up their weak-kneed narrative and make them look like the sheep that they were.

If you go a little bit further in the video above after he tells the gentleman that the truth is a trap, you see the organizers gathering up all the people to get them away from the fenced-off area because they know what Andrew is doing. He is simply exposing their lack of knowledge of why they're at this event by asking them to name one thing that Glenn Beck has lied about in reference to the sign the one gentleman is holding.

This is simply sheer genius in its simplicity and it exposes the myth that somehow people who are acting on feelings are smarter than everybody else because feelings over facts equals virtue. 

That is simply nonsense.

The protesters who were at this event chanting "Stop the hate!" are actually exposed in a very simple manner as the ones who actually hate. The video is irrefutable and this was done by people who were executing a form of citizen journalism that Andrew Breitbart was the champion of.


The very same thing that Dave Portnoy and now Elon Musk are advocating.

I don't know or care if either Portnoy or Musk knows of Andrew or if they are purposely using his tactics. I'm just thrilled that the playbook of Andrew Breitbart is still being used today and I thank God the man lived and was able to show us how it needs to be done.


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