Did Gov. Cuomo Break His Own Order on Thanksgiving Gatherings or Obey Them?


Random thoughts on a day after Thanksgiving morning.

For once in my life, I did not watch a MOMENT of the Detroit Lions Thanksgiving Day game and I am a better human being for it.


Mashed potatoes done correctly are the best side dish for any large feast.

I wonder if Governor Hot Head from New York broke his own rules after saying he was not going to break his own rules after saying he was going to break his own rules.

No, I’m not still in a food coma, I’m just keeping score of how all these politicians that care so much for the public seem to always exempt themselves from the rules they impose on others. They care so much that their caring should exempt them from rules don’t ya know.

You see the older brother of Fredo at CNN first said he was going to have his elderly Mom and two daughters over to his taxpayer paid for pad to enjoy some grub. According to The Daily Caller

The New York Democrat said during a radio interview Monday that his 89-year-old mother and two daughters, none of whom live with him, will attend Thanksgiving at his home, according to the Democrat and Chronicle.

“The current plan is my mom is going to come up and two of my girls, (that’s) the current plan,” Cuomo said on WAMC-FM, the publication reported. “But the plans change, but that’s my plan. But I’m going to work — I have a lot of work to do between now and Thanksgiving.” (RELATED: ‘You’re Such A D**k’: New Jersey Gov Confronted Eating Maskless Outside With His Family)

Following backlash over Cuomo’s statements, Cuomo spokesman Richard Azzopardi told the Daily Caller News Foundation that “given the current circumstances with COVID, he will have to work through Thanksgiving and will not be seeing them.”


Governor Dunderhead thought he was going to pull a fast one with the 10-and-under rule issued by the CDC. However, if you read a Lil farther down the suggestions that are 10 and under for people you are cohabiting with, and currently that does not include his elderly Mom. Now I know she could quarantine for a month but do you really think that the Governor of New York is going to isolate?

Now he received so much blowback that he relented and decided instead of going down the path of his buddy Newsom in California getting caught breaking the rules he set for the peasants, his spokesperson said he would not be spending Thanksgiving with the fam.

Yet I wonder if he really did.

People like Cuomo and the rest of his immoral ilk have shown that they will break any law they so choose being it is for your greater good, not theirs, and they know better than everyone else of course. We all know he is a bit of a hothead and how ticked off can you imagine he was when he was told by a staffer that it would look really bad if he had his Mom over who was right in the danger zone of people who are really susceptible to this virus. He must have been livid.


Hopefully, Gov. Macho did sit in his taxpayer-funded digs with no family and friends and ponder what real effects his orders are having on people.

But with these types of hypocrites you just never know.

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