The long shadow of the violent demonstrations we have seen throughout 2020 now reach into the host city of the first Presidential Debate venue in Cleveland, Ohio. This threat of violence has caused the Governor of Ohio, Mike DeWine, to take the unusual precaution of calling up the Ohio National Guard to make sure order is kept in the streets before, during, and after the debate.
From the New York Post…
The National Guard was already roaming the streets of Cleveland, Ohio, Tuesday, while storefronts were boarded up amid fears of violent protests ahead of the first Trump-Biden presidential debate.
More than 300 guard members were ordered into the city on a proclamation by Gov. Mike DeWine to “ensure a safe and secure environment” during the debate.
Many were activated Monday, with photos showing camouflaged Humvees in the streets. The area around Cleveland Clinic, the site of Tuesday night’s 90-minute debate, was also sealed off by a ring of tall iron fences, photos on Cleveland.com show.
The Secret Service is the lead agency for security inside the sealed-off area, while the FBI is also helping local police outside along with the National Guard reinforcements, the local news site said.
Even though these actions are being taken by the Governor, you have business owners in Cleveland who are taking the precaution of boarding up their businesses. Now, the only reason these preventive actions are being taken is clear. Groups that claim to be for social justice have been winking and nodding at the violence people have been undertaking under their banner.
The leader of BLM in Cleveland said this in the article listed above:
Black Lives Matter is already planning a “Presidential Debate Protest,” the group’s Cleveland president, LaTonya Goldsby, told WKYC.
“This presidential debate has just created chaos within the city,” Goldsby told the station.
However, Goldsby insisted there would be no escalation.
Presidential Debates generally don’t create chaos but ritzy parties that people supporting both candidates can attend to celebrate. That the leader of a social justice group thinks chaos is being brought for a debate kinda shows where their natural thinking leads to doesn’t it?
Seems simple to me.
Hopefully, there will be no violence in the streets tonight in Clevland and the only punches are verbal ones thrown on the stage between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden.
Let’s get ready to watch Cleveland Rock(s).
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