We are almost 24 hours away from the first Presidential Debate between President Donald Trump and Former Vice President Joe Biden in Cleveland, Ohio. If history repeats itself, this will be the most-watched of the three scheduled debates and with mail-in ballots being pushed out, possibly the last chance for these two to spar before people vote.
In other words, this is the one that really matters.
Now that the event is about to take place lets talk about what absolutely needs to happen.
Donald Trump needs to get Joe Biden flustered and off his game right out of the gate. The bar has been set so low for Sleepy Joe that if he shows up for 90 minutes and does not wet himself and call Jill “Mommy,” the press will immediately run to the cameras, Twitter, and everything other social media platform to proclaim that Joe not only won the debate but is super-duper fit to be President.
Now, if there is one person who can get under a career politician’s skin, we all know that is Donald J Trump. He has done this now for 4 years and even the most skilled political hack starts to bristle when Trump starts his attacks on them.
If yesterday’s presser at the White House was any precursor to the debate, then Trump may be ready to poke Biden with questions about his son Hunter and his dealings in Russia and Ukraine. From Fox News…
President Trump on Sunday may have shown a preview of this week’s upcoming presidential debate when he asked reporters at the White House why — in his opinion — they have been reluctant to look into Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden’s business involvement in Russia, Ukraine, and China while his father was vice president.
“If we had a media that was fair — even just reasonable — this would be the biggest story for years and years,” Trump said. “Then you’d be entitled to real Pulitzer Prizes, not the fake committee that gives away these fake awards.”
Trump has brought up Hunter Biden in the past and two Republican-led Senate committees issued a report last week alleging that the work Hunter Biden did in Ukraine constituted a conflict of interest for the Obama administration. His father had taken the lead on some initiatives dealing with Keiv.
The report did not implicate Joe Biden in wrongdoing, focusing instead on his son, who it said “cashed in” on his father’s position by joining the board of a Ukrainian gas company.
Fox News’ own Chris Wallace will be the only moderator for this debate and he will try to rein in cross-talk between the two of these men. I doubt Wallace is going to have a question about the Biden kid and how he somehow magically landed a lucrative job in a field in which he had no prior experience. So it will be critical for Don 45 to wedge in some shots about how Joe Biden’s bouncing baby boy has gotten away with what he has done scot-free so far.
If Biden gets flustered or loses his cool in any way, all those early lids his campaigns have done this past month and the preparation will wash away in an instant. Biden will revert to Corn Pop Joe where he will ramble on incessantly and make numbers and facts up like a boss that the press will instantly forget to fact check.
The rest of the country that does not follow political ins and outs like the rest of us news nerds do every day, need to see that Joe is way past his prime and should be a greeter at a Walmart and not running for President of the United States. Donald Trump needs to score a knockout blow of Creepy Joe and the sure-fire way to do it is to get under his skin about Hunter and his questionable dealings.
Let’s hope he can do it.
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