Joe Biden has a really cool set up in his basement and he does not plan on leaving it anytime soon. Word just leaked that he (Jill and the campaign) has decided that Joe will sit tight hanging out in Delaware instead of traveling to Milwaukee to accept the Democratic nomination for President.
You knew this was going to happen.
According to CNN…
Joe Biden will no longer accept the Democratic presidential nomination in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, officials said Wednesday, in the latest and strongest sign that the Democratic National Convention will be almost entirely virtual due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Biden will instead accept the Democratic nomination for president from his home state of Delaware, according to the Democratic National Convention Committee.
Health officials in Wisconsin have informed the Democratic National Convention Committee that speakers for the 2020 Democratic convention should no longer travel to Milwaukee due to the coronavirus, a source familiar told CNN.
That includes Biden and his eventual running mate. Neither will travel to Milwaukee, the source said.
Maybe you are surprised by this. Possibly you might think that this is the correct course of action with the COVID-19 lurking out in Milwaukee ready to mess up people visiting Wisconsin. We can’t risk the lives of those Democrats who didn’t visit the state at all in 2016. That would be a wonderful way to spin this and I’m sure it sounds wonderful rattling around in your head.
However, you might have missed that high ranking Democrats and their supporters in the media have been BEGGING Joe Biden to not debate Donald Trump. I just wrote about this yesterday with this piece about CNN contributors taking potshots at each other over this with OOPS: One CNN Contributor Dissed Another CNN Talking Head Over Biden Debate Talk.
They do NOT want Joe to debate Trump as he is a bit shaky on his feet right now. That fear extends to him traveling anywhere for days away from the basement and interacting with people in an uncontrolled environment. Joe being outside his comfort bubble poses some risks and Joe Lockhart, The New York Times Opinion Page writers, Newsweek all have the same concern.
Keep Joe in the bubble wrap until November where he can’t hurt himself.
He is leading so far in the national polls, so why take the chance of having Joe hit the road and possibly hit the skids also?
Joe has an ample supply of hot cocoa and reruns of him hanging out with his buddy Klu Klux Klan Kleagle Robert Byrd on the telly for him to be entertained until November. No reason to travel out of that protective zone and take the chance of challenging a commoner to push-ups.
I guess we will just have to wait for the excuse they come up with to debate Trump over Zoom.
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