If “Political Correctness” and the feelings over facts crowd is ever to be truly put in check, we will need to rely on comics to do the dirty work for us and lead the charge.
Lucky for us, I think the cavalry has been called.
My colleague Joe Cunningham wrote here about the verbal @$$ kicking Ricky Gervais gave the people in the room last night at the Golden Globes…The Epic Ricky Gervais Monologue Should Be Heard by More Than Hollywood.
You might think that is the first example fo comics to the rescue but you would be wrong.
Dave Chappelle with his blistering special on Netflix called “Sticks and Stones opened up the assault last year and my other colleague Brandon Morse wrote about that here… Dave Chappelle’s Audience Reviews are In, and the People Made It Clear that the Critics are Very Wrong. I would also add to the mix another comedy special on Netflix called “Paper Tiger” by Bill Burr which came out right after Chappelle’s and was equally as vicious ( funny) as “Sticks And Stones” was.
Ricky Gervais opening last night is just the latest in what I hope is finally clap back on the whiners and moaners in all sectors of our society that feel that THEIR opinion is the only one that should be heard or taken into account. “HOW DARE YOU” has become the mantra of these people if you don’t agree with their short-sighted, mindless point of view and they will try to shut you down and ruin you. They have invaded our schools, workplaces and for a while, it seemed the last refuge for scoundrels and defenders of the 1st amendment.
Comedians and comic clubs.
Ricky Gervais last night made it clear he did not care if he was leaving money on the table attacking the very people that could make or break his “future” career. He did what all great comedians do, he attacked the sacred cows in America and in that room and it was marvelous to watch. His jab about Harvey Weinstein and everyone in the room being friends with him and then calling them all perverts was every bit as impressive as his end shot that everyone is talking about. Also, did you hear the slap at not doing a Memoriam about those who have passed because those that died were not diverse enough? BRILLIANT!!
When a comic that is as filthy rich as Chappelle takes some shots at Hollywood that made sense to me because he can’t be hurt. Bill Burr equally has done sets that will always ruffle feathers and he has stated he is not concerned who he offends.
Yet Ricky Gervais stood in that room last night and stared into all of those shallow vapid eyes that only expect some mild criticism in the critics’ reviews and he BLASTED them in a way that was damn impressive.
He did to his peers what none of us could truly ever do and he did it with such blistering efficiency in calling out their Bull$%^& and he made it stick and I doubt we will ever see the likes of it again.
Make no mistake that Gervais is not a conservative nor cares about any conservative pet projects. Last night he did what all great comics do and he mocked the room and the system and he landed every damn joke and it was beautiful.
If America is to wipe this P.C. culture off our map comics will and are leading the way.
I can’t wait to laugh the whole time it is done.
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