From left, Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., entrepreneur Andrew Yang, former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke and former Housing Secretary Julian Castro are introduced Thursday, Sept. 12, 2019, before a Democratic presidential primary debate hosted by ABC at Texas Southern University in Houston. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
Can you believe that it is only 100 DAYS until the Iowa Caucuses?
Last summer we always heard there was a lot of time for things to shake out and candidates to get their game together. Well, with just over 3 months to go they better get shaking because time is running out.
The latest polling that has come out shows that Mayor Pete has made up some ground from September and the one-time frontrunners Biden and Bernie are slipping. According to Iowa State University…
Mayor Pete Buttigieg is building momentum in Iowa, according to the latest Iowa State University/Civiqs poll. Of likely caucus-goers, 20% said Buttigieg is their top choice among the field of Democratic presidential candidates. That moves him to second in the poll – up from fourth in September – just behind Sen. Elizabeth Warren who maintained her lead at 28%.
Former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders were tied for second in the September poll. Sanders is now third with 18% and Biden is fourth at 12%. The online poll of 598 likely caucus-goers also asked voters to list the candidate they do not want to win the nomination. Biden and Sanders topped this list. Peterson says Tulsi Gabbard was third, moving from nearly 7% in September to 17%.
The online survey was sent between Oct. 18-22 to selected members of the Civiqs research panel. Likely caucus attendees were identified as those who responded they would “definitely” or “probably” attend the Iowa Democratic Caucuses and identified as Democrats or independents. An oversample of Democrats and independents were selected to produce a larger number of likely caucus attendees.
Also, a poll released by 538 shows Trump beating Biden and Warren at a margin if 51-49 but losing to Sanders 51-49.
Iowa and New Hamshire are both important states but you do not need to win both to go onto the nomination. Hillary barely won here in 2016 but Bernie created a lot of momentum but finishing a close second.
Now that Warren is in the lead she will become the target of all the other Democrats and it will be interesting to see how she handles the release of her version of medicare for all when she releases it in a couple of weeks. This could very well determine if Mayor Pete can take the lead from her or if Biden makes a strong push.
As I wrote here at Red State last week Bernie Sanders Says He Is Back, But His Campaign Is STILL Toast. Sorry A.O.C. the Sanders campaign will linger on for a bit but it is effectively over.
So get ready for the fireworks everyone. Crunch time is almost upon us and we are ready to ROCK N ROLL.
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