HERE WE GO: Jerry Nadler Orders Hearings On The Mueller Report

Rep. Jerrold "Jerry" Nadler (D-NY-10). Screen grab via CBS - Face the Nation.

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY)

We knew this was coming and now we have a date of Monday, June 10th when it begins.

According to Axios

The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it would hold a series of hearings on the Mueller report beginning on June 10, with a session focused on “President Trump’s most overt acts of obstruction,” according to Chairman Jerry Nadler.

House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) said on Sunday that he believes impeachment proceedings will begin at some point, but that Democrats must first “do what’s necessary to educate the public” on Trump’s alleged corruption.


Oh yes, let the education begin.

As I have written here just the past couple of days here at Red State, Nancy Pelosi has had the heat being turned up to give the green light on impeachment hearings to begin and Nadler is one of the 50 or so Democrats who are adding logs to the fire.

Who Was The Biggest Loser In The Mueller Presser? Nancy Pelosi.

Democrats Hope The Month Of June Will Break Pelosi On Accepting Impeachment

They are going to have to come up with better names than “President Trump’s most overt acts of obstruction,” to gain any steam though.

That the Democrats have invited Watergate washout and former White House counsel John Dean to be the featured guest on the opening day of this indicates they are going to try and draw a direct line between Trump and Nixon. Yet no one, not even Justin Amash has clearly spelled out what is the impeachable offense. Impeachment is a political process that the crime can vary depending on the times of the hearings. I still have not heard what is the smoking gun.

Neither have you I bet.

Trump is unlike any President we have had in the modern era and does not hold back and let surrogates do the trash talking. Mostly because he rather enjoys doing it and is not half bad at it. That does not mean he should be impeached though. Being a jerk to friends and foes alike is not what the founders meant when they said High Crimes And Misdemeanors as the threshold. If they did than John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton along with Aaron Burr and Sam Adams would have gone to the pokey during the founding days.


Nadler is betting that these hearings will bring up something that they can hold onto and bring Trump down. The Mueller report and non-Russian collusion didn’t do it so let’s see if they can pull something out of nothing here.

I doubt it.

Check out my other post on Democrats Hope The Month Of June Will Break Pelosi On Accepting Impeachment and my podcast Bourbon On The Rocks plus like Bourbon On The Rocks on Facebook and follow me on the twitters at IRISHDUKE2




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