Does he think he has the nomination all wrapped up?
While most of the Democrats who are running for the “honor” of their party’s nomination for President in 2020 were out and about this Memorial Day weekend, front runner Joe Biden was nowhere to be found. What was he doing? Working on his acceptance speech?
According to the Washington Post this is a strategy on Uncle Joe’s part.
And here’s former vice president Joe Biden’s agenda for the holiday weekend, according to his campaign: “Joe Biden has no public events scheduled.”
Those seven words are becoming familiar for the Biden team. Aside from a campaign swing right after announcing his candidacy, Biden has kept his head down while his rivals rush from state to state to state. Even when he has held public events, they have included only a handful of questions from voters or reporters.
The light public schedule reflects the unique position of his campaign, advisers say: With near universal name recognition and high favorability ratings among Democrats, the former vice president does not need to introduce himself to voters like nearly every other candidate. And as the leader in early polls, he can attract media attention without splashy events.
Biden is, of course, the front runner in this race. He has the name recognition and the wink wink support of former President Obama. Plus when the former handsy V.P. announced early on that he would not go on the attack against his fellow Democrats he has limited what he can say new on the campaign trail.
How many times can you attack Trump without beginning to look like Trump? He really can’t threaten to kick the President’s arse behind a school now being Secret Service might not like that.
The fact that Biden didn’t even make a simple appearance at a Memorial Day remembrance ceremony with Trump out of the country through means that his campaign is taking a different approach from all other contests like this.
They seem to think that they have it wrapped up and Biden 2020 has good reason to feel that way so far.
In the initial stages of this contest, he has been hit with controversies like Anita Hill saying she felt disrespected by Biden in the Clarence Thomas hearings and the Crime Bill that Biden helped usher through the Senate in the early ’90s has not touched his numbers at all. Also, that whole touchy-feely grabby things that he does to everyone and he has skated free.
So far it looks like that all the other Democrats that are running are vying for the V.P. spot or maybe a cabinet position in a potential Biden Presidency.
So while Barrack Obama BFF is just biding time until the convention next year lets see if any of the other 23 midgets on the Democrat POTUS wanna be slate can lay a glove on him before the end of the year.
Otherwise, get your popcorn ready for the Scranton Kid against Manhatten Mauler next November for the White House keys.
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