Zen Master Of Trolling, Donald Trump, Trolls The Left With One Tweet.

There are days when I think people in the Trump administration wish that POTUS 45 would maybe take a deep breath and check with someone about sending a tweet. Today is not one of those days.


Earlier today President Trump tweeted out an announcement of a big party on July 4th of this year.

HOLD THE DATE! We will be having one of the biggest gatherings in the history of Washington, D.C., on July 4th. It will be called “A Salute To America” and will be held at the Lincoln Memorial. Major fireworks display, entertainment and an address by your favorite President, me!

As Adam Sandler might say in the movie The Waterboy, ” That is some high-quality H2 Troll”

I kill me.

The left has already lost its mind if you just take a look at the thread all because DJT said “an address by your favorite President, me!” and they can’t take a tongue in cheek joke.


Once the haters calm down I’m sure we will get to the WHO IN THE HELL IS PAYING FOR THIS questions but in the meantime, enjoy the Troll-Master In Chief as he gets the peoples blood pressure up way to high on a Sunday Morning.

Check out my other post on Maxine Waters Reaction To Jussie Smollett Being Arrested…Priceless and my podcast Bourbon On The Rocks   plus like Bourbon On The Rocks on Facebook and follow me on the twitters at IRISHDUKE2


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