Cleanup, Aisle Kamala: VP Still Can't Answer THAT Question, As Latest Word Salad Cringefest Proves

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

You've got to wonder what some of these political commentators are drinking when you hear them praise Kamala Harris as some sort of warrioress who, as they claim, totally owned Bret Baier (she didn't) and handles questions on the campaign trail with aplomb (she doesn't). Take, for instance, Mark Halperin, a Newsmax contributor who seems pretty down the line with his commentary on the campaigns of Harris and Donald Trump ... until very recently.


I've taken to watching Halperin's daily YouTube show, The Morning Meeting, where he moderates a discussion between Republican Sean Spicer and Democrat Dan Turrentine. Halperin, unlike most journo-types, didn't have Trump's masterful performance at the Al Smith Dinner on his mind Friday morning; he, instead, wanted to talk about the pro-life "hecklers" who interrupted Kamala's speech at a recreation center at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. When the protesters shouted, "Jesus is Lord" at attendees, Kamala retorted in what my mother would describe as a "smart-alecky" voice:

"Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally."

This, said Halperin, was proof positive that Kamala, at long last, had gotten her feet under her and was deftly taking on the challenges of the campaign trail, pointing to the Baier interview as the turning point. What the heck?

I gave his comment some thought and concluded that perhaps he's seeing what he wants to see. That response from Kamala was, at best, a rare, somewhat quick-witted retort from a supposedly seasoned politician; at worst, it shows just how very little the media expects from a woman who wants to be president. (Not to mention how easily she dismissed the pro-lifers and told them they weren't welcome.) This says a lot about how the left and their media lapdogs have had to change the rules of the game to accommodate underachiever Kamala Harris.


Well, they had to change those rules with good reason. She's a disaster. Sorry, Mark Halperin, but she's not getting better; she's possibly getting worse. You're not going to believe it — meaning, you're definitely going to believe it — but Kamala was asked, yet again, what she would do differently from Joe Biden, and, yet again, she was embarrassingly incapable of answering the question.

Kamala was stumping in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Friday, when she stopped to answer a rare on-the-fly question from a reporter. The reporter asked, "Biden said this week that every president has to cut their own path. What is one policy that you would've done differently over these last 3.5 years than President Biden?"

And guess what Kamala said?

"I mean, to be very candid with you.. ehh.. you.. even including Mike Pence... ummmm... vice presidents are not critical of their presidents. I think that really, actually, in terms of the tradition of it and also just going forward, it does not make for a productive and important relationship."

Say what? What does that even mean? Mike Pence? What?

You all, she still can't answer THAT question. Ms. "She's Gotten Her Feet Under Her" simply has no answer, and it's for one very good reason: There is no difference between Biden's policies and her own. She knows it, we know it, Mark Halperin knows it. 


It's insane that she can't even eke out some sort of non-response and be on her way. I mean, that's how they do it in DC. How in the world has she ever been able to get elected to any office without mastering the simple art of talking? It's clear she has always been given a free pass by the media.

This lady is so out of her depth that only the pinkest of the pink-haired crowd are embracing her. They love Kamala-dygook like this:

She's just not up to the job. She's unserious and quite obviously unworthy of even being considered for the job.

It's time for American voters – and Mark Halperin – to face facts: This most recent wretched performance IS the best Kamala Harris can do.


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