Time for round 438,765 of Democrats spinning out of control. They really are in a tizzy.
Monday night, the Ohio Democratic party held an event to announce a number of endorsements for Ohio Democrats. During the event, Chris Redfern, head of the Ohio Democrat Party, had a head explosion.
Video via Michelle Malkin:
Obviously, the Tea Party – and anyone who opposes the Democrat agenda, for that matter – is a miserable irritant that must be berated. He’s just got to address it… by dropping F bombs at us, because that’s how grown ups handle these situations. Obviously. Who needs substance?
I have two reactions to this. First, I welcome the vitriol. This means that they’re going to focus more on us than their issues until November. Bring. It. On. We will have that fight. Second, they’re reinforcing their own hypocrisy. For all the talk of Republican hate-mongering and fear-mongering, it seems to be the Democrats who consistently freak out and curse us.
So, fine. Keep spewing. Maybe no one will remind you that you could use some of that energy to fix your own party’s mistakes.
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