Delaware Senator Corrects Trump on His Witch Hunt Claim

So Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) has got jokes.

Appearing on CNN earlier today, the senator had an answer for President Trump’s early morning tweets.

“I have family ancestors from the Boston area and I think the Salem witch hunt has to be the greatest witch hunt in American history,” Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) told CNN’s “The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer.”

Coons’s comment came hours after Trump called the investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election and possible ties between his campaign staff and Russia the “single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history.”


Well, he’s right.

Coons went on to point out that while Trump is spitting and hissing, special counsel Robert Mueller has bipartisan support. Only Trump and his most faithful minions are pointing fingers at Mueller and crying foul.

The Democratic senator noted that Mueller, who led the FBI under former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, was “one of the most respected federal law enforcement leaders.”

“And although he may try to change the subject to Hillary Clinton and the investigation into her emails during last year’s campaign, the fact that there is a significant investigation moving forward lead by former FBI Director Mueller, is what I would encourage the president to focus on,” Coons said.

Right now, those caught up in the web of the Russia investigation are Trump (possible obstruction of Justice), Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Carter Page, Michael Flynn, Jared Kushner, and Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen.

Even with Trump’s recent addition to the actual process, and if you tossed in Jeff Sessions and Rex Tillerson for outside reference, that’s still only 9 people.

Just for giggles, I checked to see how many were wrapped up in the actual Salem witch trials.

The infamous Salem witch trials began during the spring of 1692, after a group of young girls in Salem Village, Massachusetts, claimed to be possessed by the devil and accused several local women of witchcraft. As a wave of hysteria spread throughout colonial Massachusetts, a special court convened in Salem to hear the cases; the first convicted witch, Bridget Bishop, was hanged that June. Eighteen others followed Bishop to Salem’s Gallows Hill, while some 150 more men, women and children were accused over the next several months. By September 1692, the hysteria had begun to abate and public opinion turned against the trials. Though the Massachusetts General Court later annulled guilty verdicts against accused witches and granted indemnities to their families, bitterness lingered in the community, and the painful legacy of the Salem witch trials would endure for centuries.


I’d say that’s a considerably larger hunt than what Trump is dealing with now.

Maybe he should calm down his rhetoric, lest people begin to think him mad.


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