Trump Demands an Apology From the Media, Intelligence Community

Donald Trump - Caricature by DonkeyHotey, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original

To quote the wise philosopher, Daryl Dixon, “People in Hell want Slurpees.”

Through several tweets on Sunday, President-elect Trump addressed comments made by journalist and editor of The Washington Post, Bob Woodward.


Said Woodward:

Woodward on “Fox News Sunday” said the intelligence community made a mistake presenting the dossier on Trump’s alleged ties to Russia during intelligence briefings. Instead, President Obama‘s White House counsel should have presented the document to Trump’s incoming counsel, he said.

That sounds perfectly reasonable. I’m not going to venture a guess as to what, if any motive there was to presenting the documents in that manner. What’s done is done.

After hearing Woodward’s comments, Trump took to Twitter.

We’ll wait for the forthcoming apologies from Trump for harassing President Obama about his “real” birth certificate, or his apology for accusing Ted Cruz’s father of being involved with the JFK assassination.

I won’t be holding my breath.


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