Tulsi Gabbard Puts Leakers on Notice That She's Coming After Them

AP Photo/John McDonnell

Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard has put leakers on notice that the days of politically motivated links to journalists being fun and games are over. Taking to X, Gabbard declared that the IC is actively pursuing the sources of some recent leaks.


Our nation’s Intelligence Community must be focused on our national security mission. Politically motivated leaks undermine our national security and the trust of the American people, and will not be tolerated.  Unfortunately, such leaks have become commonplace with no investigation or accountability.  That ends now. We know of and are aggressively pursuing recent leakers from within the Intelligence Community and will hold them accountable. 

Some recent examples of unauthorized leaks within the IC:

A leaker who has been sharing classified information with the Huffington Post 

A leaker within the IC sharing information on Israel / Iran with the Washington Post 

A leaker within the IC sharing information about the U.S. - Russia relationship with NBC

A leaker sharing information on NCSC [National Counterintelligence and Security Center] activities and actions with The Record

Any unauthorized release of classified information is a violation of the law and will be treated as such.


The change of policy was announced in an ODNI press release that indicates the Intelligence Community is still struggling to stamp out "obscene, pornographic, and sexually explicit chats" on classified chat platforms as well as with leaks of classified information.


EXPOSED: NSA, CIA, FBI, and Others Used Government Resources to Do Absolutely Deranged, Disgusting Things – RedState

NSA, CIA Respond to Reports of Concerning Chats in Federal Messaging System – RedState

DNI Gabbard Orders Firing of Members of Pornographic LGBTQ Chat Groups in the Intelligence Community – RedState

Gabbard: Biden Admin Knew About the Perverted Chats at Our Intel Agencies for Years, Didn't Give a Damn – RedState

National Security NIGHTMARE: How Radical Trans Activists Hijacked America’s Spy Agencies – RedState

It also seems like she will have allies inside ODNI.

There are many patriots in the IC that have reached out to DNI Gabbard and her team directly, explaining that they have raised concerns on these issues in the past but they have been ignored. That will no longer be the case.

Every administration is bedeviled by leaks targeting policies opposed by certain actors and interests inside the IC. The danger has always been when counterintelligence and law enforcement target journalists. One of the most notable instances of this was the Obama administration's hacking, or maybe carrying out a "black bag job," to access computers belonging to CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson and Fox News reporter James Rosen. In all cases, the journalists became the targets, and the leakers escaped scot-free. Hopefully, this time around, the Trump administration will drop the hammer on people inside the IC and stay away from creating First Amendment martyrs.


The focus on stomping down on leaks comes at a particularly perilous time for the IC. The force reductions mandated by the Trump administration have resulted in threats to take classified information to foreign powers in retaliation: see TREACHERY: CIA Agents Opposed to Trump Pondering Taking State Secrets to Foreign Powers – RedState.

Antonio Gramsci’s “long march through the institutions” is everywhere we look, and the politicization of our Intelligence Community presents an existential danger to the United States. The Trump administration is attempting to change the IC's focus from playing politics to producing timely and actionable intelligence for the national leadership. Join RedState VIP and help continue our coverage to keep you abreast of this critical struggle. Use promo code FIGHT to get 60% off your membership.


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