Saturday night, 39-year-old Aaron “Jay” Danielson, who went by the name Jay Bishop [PLEASE SEE NOTE AT END OF ARTICLE], was the subject of a cold-blooded execution on a Portland street. There was no altercation and, as far as is known, no previous contact between Bishop and an Antifa nutter named Michael Reinoehl. Reinoehl, who was a beneficiary of Portland’s “we don’t charge or prosecute you if you are sufficiently violent and deranged so long as you have the correct politics” policy,
In June, Reinoehl, the alleged antifa shooter, was arrested in eastern OR w/stash of drugs & illegal pistol.
In July, he was arrested at a Portland antifa riot w/an illegal gun. He fought police. Those charges were never pursued.
On Sat., he went on to allegedly kill Danielson. pic.twitter.com/h4DsdcnSgL
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 31, 2020
In July, alleged Portland antifa shooter Michael Reinoehl was involved in a downtown mob beating where he & others tried to steal the gun of a man they said was a “Nazi.” Another participant in that mob assault? BLM thug Marquis Love. https://t.co/8bbo9PiYpv pic.twitter.com/GQblvfoRWi
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) September 2, 2020
is featured prominently in this video and can be seen, at the end, leaving the murder scene.
Clearest and closest or enhanced video of the #Portland shooting.. 👀👀 pic.twitter.com/eKs1qp38cm
— CIA-Simulation Warlord 🇺🇸😈🇺🇸 (@zerosum24) August 30, 2020
This murder took place after a pro-Trump vehicle drive-through of Portland. While the drive-through participants did nothing to instigate violence beyond showing their support of President Trump, the feral creatures that inhabit Portland at night came out to attack them. Some of the Trump supporters had wisely brought along paintball guns to fend off the attacks they expected.
Two points here. Holding a march is not a provocation. You may not like the message, but you have zero right to interfere, and if you get your ass stomped while doing so, that’s on you. If you had had better parents, that would not have happened to you. Sue them and shut up. The argument that Trump supporters can’t drive down a public street is not what America is about. That has been settled law for nearly 50 years. And, until the Obama administration began encouraging street violence by its supporters (READ Kamala Harris Repeats the Lie That the Right is Responsible for Political Violence While the Record Shows Otherwise), you find that protests and counterprotests in America were not violent affairs. In the words of Noam Chomsky, hardly a radical right-winger, “If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.”
The second point is that using a paintball gun to defend yourself from attacks that could result in death or grievous bodily harm is not illegal, and watching the news and anticipating that you will be attacked by these vicious semi-civilized gits is common sense, not a criminal act.
Having said that, even were the previous two points not correct, that doesn’t make walking down a street in Portland wearing headgear that someone finds offensive a capital crime.
In a “press event” Biden held yesterday, Biden managed to say that Reinoehl should be brought to justice, but he also clearly blames Bishop as the aggressor.
Holy crap.
Biden just said that Aaron “Jay” Danielson, the Trump supporter who was killed in Portland was there “inciting response”
Jay was walking on the street with a friend, targeted, and executed in cold blood by Antifa.
— Courtney Holland 🇺🇸 Text COURTNEY to 88022 (@hollandcourtney) September 2, 2020
This is the kind of tacit instigation the Democrats have been giving Antifa for the past four years. I’d also note that Reinoehl is still at large despite having been identified days ago. My guess is that he won’t be brought back to Portland for anything other than to wake him after he dies of old age or some kind of venereal rot.
Unlike the case of Kyle Rittenhouse, this is a clear case of a political execution, and the best Joe Biden can do is blame the dead man for supporting the President.
NOTE: There is conflicting information on the name of the man shot in Portland. When I wrote this story he was identified as Aaron “Jay” Danielson who often went as Jay Bishop. National media, as late as this morning, referred to him that way. The president refers to him as Jay Bishop in his tweet. There is information now that Bishop and Danielson are different people. Because of the confusion at the time I posted, I’m leaving it unchanged but with this note to acknowledge that the name could be in error.
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