Bernie Sanders by DonkeyHotey, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original
Contrary to the best laid plans that offered Democrat voters the Tweedle-Dee-Tweedle-Dum choices of a ‘moderate’ (Joe Biden) or a ‘progressive’ (Elizabeth Warren), the only candidate that seems to be capable of generating enthusiasm is septuagenarian communist Bernie Sanders. While Sanders looks poised to actually be a major force in the primary, if not winning the delegate race outright then by forcing the Democrats into a very ugly contested convention, the Democrat establishment is throwing the kitchen sink at Bernie Sanders. Having failed on the electability front, they are now going after him on his health.
One reporter's opinion…. it's malpractice that Bernie Sanders isn't pressed daily about his age, physical fitness, heart health, medical records, etc.
Name another big executive job for which the lead candidate *wouldn't be* grilled about being 78 and fresh off a heart attack.
— Tim Alberta (@TimAlberta) February 19, 2020
Of course, there are Russians involved,
Just a reminder that one of Russia’s disinformation campaigns — from which both Trump and Sanders benefited — was the non-stop coverage of HRC’s “frail health” because she got lightheaded at an event https://t.co/28OqUQsJvt
— Asha Rangappa (@AshaRangappa_) February 19, 2020
ooops…the video must be doctored
Hillary Clinton falling while getting on Air Force One will never get old and it always makes me laugh pic.twitter.com/e7Oge90kQx
— Eric 🇺🇸 (@ThatTrumpGuy) August 29, 2019
Here's the video of Hillary Clinton nearly falling down the stairs in India: pic.twitter.com/tk2megQ8WP
— Gage Mitchusson (@gagemitchusson) March 13, 2018
Muh stamina. 🏋️♀️ 👍
Hillary being chucked like a side of beef into the Scooby Van on September 11th, 2016#TrumpRallyOrlando pic.twitter.com/uhho1pzFx9
— ƬЄƛƓƛƝ ƦЄƖԼԼƳ🍸 (@velvethammer) June 19, 2019
This is an issue of sorts. Sanders has had a heart attack. Sanders is 78-years-old. Sanders has promised at points in the past to a) deliver up his own medical records and b) attacked other candidates for not doing so.
The Sanders campaign is pushing back both refusing outright to provide more records and equating the demands for medical records to birtherism.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, who had a heart attack last year, tells @andersoncooper that he doesn’t think he will release any more medical records than he already has. #cnntownhall https://t.co/DcVxz2JQLM pic.twitter.com/mObVIbJHFO
— Anderson Cooper 360° (@AC360) February 19, 2020
NEW: Bernie Sanders campaign says asking for his health records is a "smear" like birtherism https://t.co/anwrVBxgJs
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) February 19, 2020
One of the most interesting tacks they’ve taken is to actually lie about the issue. In this clip, the Sanders spokesperson, Briaha Joy Gray, claims Bloomberg, himself, has had “heart attacks.” Not singular. Plural.
You really have to have sneaking admiration for the way this young trainee Bolshevik is able to slip a major lie into the interview without even a change of facial expression.
BUT. BUT. Bloomberg has not released his medical records. We know that he suffers from cardiac issues because he’s had stents inserted and he’s on a blood thinner because of atrial fibrillation. I am not a doctor, but it seems to me very likely that Sanders and Bloomberg probably have very similar heart conditions, the difference being is that Sanders simply drove on until he had a heart attack and Bloomberg probably obsesses about his health, his haircuts, and his body wash. Unlike Sanders, we will likely never have the ability to assess Bloomberg’s health because he has the ability to undergo treatment and pay to have the records of the treatment go away.
Two Jewish 70 something men arguing about which of them had a heart attack is giving me *extreme* Conservative shul kiddish vibes. What a time to be a Jew! https://t.co/lRhlvMXluX
— Batya Ungar-Sargon (@bungarsargon) February 19, 2020
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